An Interview with Author Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary – Mother India

An Interview with Author Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary – Mother India

H. L. Vivian Derozio, Maharshi Aurobindo and Arbind Kumar Choudhary have been popularly called the originator of Indian English Poetry, Indian Milton and The Phrasal King by the verse-suitors and the critics alike. Arbind Kumar Choudhary who has been not only declared Universal Ambassador of Peace from Poetry but also the founding father of Indianised version of Arbindonean Sonnets, Arbindonean Racy Style of Versification and The Phrasal Movement has got a number of interviews published in America, Malta, Romania, Albania and India due to his immense innovative contributions for the prosperity of English poetry in India. Dr. Choudhary has been featuring in the English Daily newspapers—The Guardian, The Hans India, The Hitavada and The Heaven Mail from time to time.

The Literature Times: Can you tell us about your journey as a poet and how you became interested in The Phrasal Movement?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: I am a teacher by profession but a poet by passion. The germs of creation that was lying inside in the sullen state were added fuel to flames during my research work. However, it started to bloom with the passage of time.

I do not try to abide by the fixed doctrines of poetry as has been propounded by the great stalwarts from time to time. I always hanker after novelty and innovation rather than addiction to the ongoing tradition of versification. Change is the wage of the sage. Novelty is the identity of a man of maturity. The foundation of The Phrasal Movement speaks volumes about the maturity of Indian English poetry. I have planted the germs of The Phrasal Movement that is expected to flourish in the days to come for the Phrasal whirlwind here, there and everywhere.

The Literature Times: What inspired you to create an Indianised version of Arbindonean Sonnets?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: Spenserian, Shakespearean and Miltonic sonnets bring to light the cultural iridescence of the western society though they differ in structure rather than capital idea.

Indianness is the soul of my poetry. Indianised version of sonnets that perfume the poetic passage with the spiritual, mythical and philosophical beauty of India brings to light the cultural heraldry of Indian territory for the glory of our history. Indianised version of sonnets explores Indianness and its essence to its utmost degrees.      

The Literature Times: How do you approach the creative process when writing poetry?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: Creation is the notion of a man of emotion. The poet has nothing to do except to abide by the way the stalwarts have made path for the peeping poets. But the innovativeness is the need of the hour for the passage of the sensitive sage. The germs of creation if added fuel flourishes with the passage of time. It is mandatory for a man of poetry to be madonna of the creative territory.

The Literature Times: What role do you believe poetry plays in society today?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: Poetry is the artillery of the territory that abolishes the sophistry for the gentry of the carpentry. Poetry is not only the mirror of the society but also the guide for the existing race and the races next to peep. Epical writing has become the history that in return gives sophistry, mercenary, and world weary at the cost of cultural heraldry. The spiritual life of the society achieves a victory through the memory of the poetry. Poetry guides the course of the human beings for the spring of its wing.

The Literature Times: How do you see the Indian English poetry scene evolving in the next few years?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary:The predominance of The Pondicherry School of Poetry, The Ezekielean School of Poetry, Indianised version of sonnets and The Phrasal Movement speak volumes about the infantry of Indian English poetry in the superlatives. Indian English poetry has come of age and has started to abide by the new courses of versifications and styles through thick and thin.

I am optimistic that Indian English poetry will perfume the global poetic passage with novelty and creativity to its utmost degrees.

The Literature Times: Can you talk about any particular themes or topics that you explore in your poetry?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: My trio poetry books -Love, Nature and The Poet propound the philosophy of love, nature and poetic doctrine without fear or favour. Suffering for the sake of morality has become the capital idea of my verses. Ecological order is the need of the hour while amicable relation with the mute living and non –living beings appear again and again throughout my poems.

The Literature Times: How important is it for poets to be actively involved in promoting their work and the broader poetry community?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: Creation, publication and promotion are the part and parcel of the poetic community. Unfortunately, India lacks such a great platform to flourish and get themselves promoted up to the readers community. Our government sponsored institutions have been infected from nepotism since its inceptions.

It is a hercules task for the Indian poets to reserve an honourable place in the poetic tavern without government support.

The Literature Times: Can you discuss any challenges you’ve faced as a poet and how you’ve overcome them?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: The more one inhales the pangs of challenge, the more one kisses the cheeks of the success. Life is a crown of thorns rather than a bed of roses. I have started my poetic career amidst the uncreative milieus of the teaching community where creative anarchy was spreading at the crux of the bottom?

I have started to get success in the same way the lotus blossoms in mud. Since then I have not seen behind except the haunting memory of the past.

The Literature Times: How has your work been received internationally, and how do you think it’s been influenced by different cultures and languages?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: I got a number of my interviews published in America, Malta, Romania, Albania and other countries excluding inclusion in World Year Book, anthologies and books.

What that makes the western verse suitors madonna of my verses is the cultural iridescence of India on one hand and blending of Indian, Greek and Roman mythical messiahs on the other with same poetic fervour and flavour?

Sangam culture or hybrid culture is the need of the hour to turn this world into a village laden with various ingredients of it.

The Literature Times: What advice would you give to aspiring poets who are just starting out in their careers?

Dr. Arbind Kumar Choudhary: The unbridled ambition, indomitable will, essence of patience, suffering at its crux, and, above all, optimistic views are the poetic pearls that pave the way of the victorious day sooner or later in spite of the materialistic monarchy infecting the society.

Always enjoy the pangs of the suffering for its sake that in return will make you darling of the poetic milieu in the days to come.

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