An interview with Rummana A and Sharvari B

An interview with Rummana A and Sharvari B

We had a chance to have a quick discussion with the authors Rummana A and Sharvari B about their interesting book, “The Halfway Point.” Here is a part of the conversation:

1. Akhila Saroha: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “The Halfway Point.” What were the events that led to the idea of writing it?

Rummana A and Sharvari B:  Thank you Akhila. It was the momentous event of turning 40 I guess. Well, not quite just that. 

We used to frequently have these long winded discussions about random topics, which would sometimes turn funny, sometimes be insightful. Sometimes we’d just dwell on it for long and get back to it the next week with the same fervor as though nothing had happened in between! 

And then we turned 40…and the discussions began to take a solemn turn. 

At some point we thought that we needn’t keep these limited to ourselves. That what we were going through is relatable for a lot of others who might find themselves less alone as they go through this phase of life.

Which is what led to this book.

2. Akhila Saroha: As a title, “The Halfway Point” makes the readers wander at different levels about its significance and validity. Did you have any alternative titles in mind? How did you come up with this as the title?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Somehow I think there was fairly less debate about this title. We felt like we were literally at the halfway point in our lives and it seemed apt enough for the book.

3. Akhila Saroha: How easy or difficult was it for you to decide the placement of the pace of the text and ensure that the readers would also feel connected to it in “The Halfway Point”?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: We were aiming for the conversational tone and I think we succeeded at that. Early on we worried and tried to ensure that the two sides of the conversation were distinct enough to convey all points of view. Eventually though we decided to go with our own voices without sacrificing authenticity and candidness of the content. 

4. Akhila Saroha: The book breaks ground by exploring subjects that make it unique in itself. Please share about your past experiences in literary writing as well as your future plans in writing.

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Both of us have been writing for the past 15 years or so in some form or another. We used to write blogs and articles for websites like and it grew from there. When we had the idea for our first book ‘Tete-a-tete with R&S’, it seemed like the obvious next step. And writing together works for us because we kind of push each other along to just get it done.

5. Akhila Saroha: Did you have any particular audience in mind while writing “The Halfway Point”? Which was it?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: I think it was more or less targeted towards other women like us, who were either in the same phase or approaching the same phase of life – having passed through their youth, several years into motherhood and wondering what this juncture in life is about to bring forth.

6. Akhila Saroha: “The Halfway Point” has a strong significance on the personal and social levels. Was prose the first format of writing that came to your mind to give words to your expression? Would you like to try the same with poetry as well?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: We had always aimed for the conversational tone and I think that works better for this kind of a book. I guess that’s what keeps the questions and ideas flowing and keeps us from getting too serious or philosophical.

7. Akhila Saroha: “The Halfway Point” has given a powerful introduction to your potential as a writer. How was the journey of the book in the making?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: The journey was a combination of a lot of things. It was exciting, fun and filled with a lot of self realization as well as knowing each other more than we already do. 

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