An Interview With The Author Aman Talwar- Author of the Book “The Hidden Gems”

An Interview With The Author Aman Talwar- Author of the Book “The Hidden Gems”

Author’s Background: Author, Aman Talwar has ventured into the field of writing with the publication of her first book ‘Weaving Emotions.’ She holds a MBA degree and after her stint as a corporate professional, she took to the field of creativity. Writing was always her passion.  Every flight of imagination has an inspiration and Aman’s inspiration is her mother who is not only her mentor but also her strength. Her Army background acted as an added feather to display the array of her writing skills and her deep insight into humanity.


Neel Preet: Firstly, Congratulations to you on your book, “The Hidden Gems!” What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.

Aman Talwar: Thank you. From the time the cover of the book was unveiled to the time when the book is out there for everyone to read, I have found an inquisitiveness in my readers to get a copy of it. They are quite intrigued and want to unearth as to what lies in it. I just hope that my writing is able to live up to their expectations and their reading experience is as enjoyable as was mine while writing it.

During the process of writing this book, I felt I myself was able to delve into various aspects of life which remain concealed behind the ‘run of the mill regime.’ I wish that my efforts to unmask these sublime treasures resonates well with the readers and these precious pearls can be adorned by them as their most prized possession.

Neel Preet: Your book has a wonderful collection of “emotional & thought-provoking Poems & Articles,” so what inspired you to write them? 

Aman Talwar: All the facets that I have written about in my book are primarily based on our day to day living. These bejewelled moments are scattered all around us. All I did was tried to unravel the aura knitted around our thought process and carve them into words. I truly believe in the magic of words and genuinely hope that the way the experience of writing this book has helped me elicit these scattered precious pearls, in a similar manner the readers of the book are also able to gaze beyond the accustomed patterns of living.

Neel Preet: You’ve given a very interesting title to your book, which is very catchy too so, what made you go for this title for your book?

Aman Talwar: With this book of mine I hope to unearth the bejewelled moments of substance that remain concealed amidst the commotion of the conventional practices pursued as a way of living. These facets have metaphorically been symbolised as precious gems. As is the famous saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold,’ similarly we many a times let the significant aspects of life go unnoticed while focusing on the trivial things. Hence, I felt that this title would be able to justify the content within the book.

Neel Preet: What was your mind-set, while working on this book? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?

Aman Talwar: I mostly like to write around aspects which are a part and parcel of our daily living. I believe that these facets are the ones which we all can identify and relate with. Weaving thoughts and translating them into words to be presented in the form of a book is similar to penning down the lyrics of a song. Just the way we are able to connect with the songs so easily because we feel it is a reflection of our heartfelt emotions, similarly if one is able to find a piece of one’s thoughts or expressions in what one is reading, the connect grows stronger.

Neel Preet: With your debut book as a full-fledged ‘Poetry Collection’ and now a mixture of poems and articles, can you please tell us about your writing style in your upcoming title! 

Aman Talwar:  In the future, I wish to continue my endeavour of writing on the various facets of life and also try and explore newer genres of writing, however keeping human connections at the core.

Neel Preet: Can you please explain the overall theme of your book to our readers!

Aman Talwar: As I mentioned earlier that the essence of this book lies in shedding light on those significant aspects of life that go unnoticed while focusing on the trivial things. It metaphorically tries to symbolise these significant aspects as priceless treasures, which if given a deep thought are indeed our most valued possessions.

Neel Preet: Next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who inspires you and whom you follow! 

Aman Talwar: First and foremost, it’s my mother’s literary skills and an excellent command over the language that has made me admire the power of the art of writing and in the ability that words can create magic. I also am an ardent reader of Jane Austen’s novels. I feel her writing transports you into a world where one begins to identify with the literary characters and to top it with such powerful use of language, wherein a phrase itself is sufficient to convey the essence of the story.

Neel Preet: Is there any message which you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

Aman Talwar: I hope that there is a fresh perspective amongst all, wherein the importance of people takes precedence over materialism and one is able to establish a right balance between both.

Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Aman Talwar: Currently I am completely focusing on my new book ‘The Hidden Gems,’ however, I soon hope to begin work on a new one, maybe this time in a slightly different genre than my previous piece of work. 

Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

Aman Talwar: Thank you so much!

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