Author Interview: Dr. Sumit Goel – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2

Author Interview: Dr. Sumit Goel – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2

Dr. Sumit Goel

M.D. (Hom) Gold Medalist

If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? That’s the question that changed my life forever.

I feel privileged, honored and lucky, with the blessings of my parents to be in the noblest of all professions – A Teacher, A Doctor and an Author … Dr. Sumit Goel

Dr. Sumit Goel is a Doctor-Homoeopath by education and profession, a Teacher-Trainer by intention and a Motivator and Author by passion.

The Teacher-Trainer

Dr. Sumit Goel has been awarded with the “DYNAMIC PROFESSOR OF THE YEAR”.

Over a teaching span of more than 25 years, he has mentored, taught, trained thousands of medical students, who are today some of the leading names in healthcare sector in India and abroad.

With a 99.33 excellent rating, he is one of the most sought-after teacher-trainer in the field. This is probably because he feels that he is still a student and a facilitator of a learning process.

He believes that –

“Education is what survives when what has been learned is forgotten.”

Questionnaires bob:

The Literature Times: What motivated you to write this book?

Sumit Goel: For some, motivation is external – an individual, or an event or a situation in life. For me, it was like a calling of the soul. I am in two of the noblest professions – Healing and Teaching. Experiences gathered over the last 25 years through patients, students and observing humans in general transformed into this work!

The Literature Times: Your book opens with an introduction by Anupam Kher. Tell us a bit about that.

Sumit Goel: Anupam Kher ji is a brilliant actor. He has also observed life very closely. He is also an Author and a Motivational Speaker. He was the first choice for me for the Introduction to my book. He read the Manuscript and agreed instantly to pen his thoughts for the Introduction, which reflects his philosophy of life and resonates with the contents of the book.

The Literature Times: How far do you think that mindfulness is the most important aspect about early acquaintance with mental health issues?

Sumit Goel: Stresses in our life arise because of three central areas – 1. I, Me, Myself; 2. People connected with us – family, friends, associates; 3. Situational, including our past and future. Further introspection narrows down to our own self – our perceptions and patterns. This is the onset of issues that we have with our own self or with the world around.

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of our body, mind, and what we feel in the present moment, intending to create a feeling of calm. It is a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. So, Mindfulness is – Awareness – Paying attention – Intentionally, with purpose – In the Present – Without judgment. So, when our intention and attention with full awareness is in the now, without judging the experience as good or bad, right or wrong, should have or should not have, the resultant state is free of the toxicity of the past and the anticipation of the future. Mindfulness is Empowerment of the Now!

The Literature Times: What is the reason according to you that your book has been successful in over- coming the taboo surrounding the discussion of mental health?

Sumit Goel: What happens IN us is more important than what happens TO us. This is the mantra of the book. It shifts the entire focus from the outside to the inside and to the journey of awareness, acceptance and action. The book does not preach or intends to give a 5-point formula to attain success and happiness in life. It is written in a simple language, easy to grasp and understand. The highlight of the book is the “connection” and “relatedness”. Every reader at some point in the journey of reading this book will pause and connect that it is their story. It takes the reader on a journey of self-awareness to self-transformation.  

The Literature Times: What kind of reading and research did you have to do to write this book?

Sumit Goel: 25 years of clinical case studies and interaction with people of all ages and strata with focus on youth, along with innumerable discussions with like-minded people, blogs, articles, books and an introspective study of my own life! 

The Literature Times: The book cover has an aesthetic appeal to a serious topic. Tell us about the idea that went behind making it.

Sumit Goel: Serious topic, simply portrayed! Since the genre of the book is positive, transformational and growth, we decided to choose a colour splash of a peaceful white and soothing green with a simple subtle image to capture the feel of the book. As for the title, it is a wish that all of us have at some point of time in our life and the book aims to justify that.

The Literature Times: Who have been your inspiration behind writing this book?

Sumit Goel: Parents, my teachers, students, and in fact inspiration has been from every human that I have met. I come from nothingness, so I appreciate everything!

The Literature Times: What is the next book that you are working on?

Sumit Goel: The next book focusses on TIME DETOX. It is about decluttering the past and future from our present, the next in the series of transformation.

The Literature Times: Do you think that your clinical experience helped you to write this book to a great extent?

Sumit Goel: Absolutely, sometimes it would take days to research on a single point, brainstorming and finally through relatable case studies and explanations, give the reader a scientific and simple solution. 

The Literature Times: Is there any way that readers can book a consultation session with you?

Sumit Goel: Any way and every way, I can be connected and consulted. I can be contacted via or WhatsApped  at 9322288631

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