What makes life beautiful is the fact that it is uncertain, unpredictable, and things not happening the way one plans them, which makes it all quite exciting. At the same time, there are small details like quick little moments that pass within a blink of an eye which later become memories to be cherished. In the midst of this, time flies, and then all that can be done is look back in wonder and bewilderment. One book that captures the essence of those little moments is Anshu Priya’s “You are the reason I am alive today.” In a true sense, the author’s book is a product of the musings and observations of the different moments in the lives of the characters.
As a title, “You are the reason I am alive today” sends multiple thoughts in the minds of the readers. As they try to decode and decipher it, the story begins and takes different turns and changes of mood throughout the prologue and the 9 chapters in which the plot is spun. At the same time, the narratorial style is another factor that attracts the attention of the readers. The individual speeches given to the characters in assigned chapters helps the readers directly connect with the characters and understand their states of mind and their deep thoughts. Through this, the readers are able to form an unbiased opinion about their thoughts and understand their feelings closely.
The fact that “You are the reason I am alive today” explores a matter of contemporary relevance takes the readers beyond the realm of fairytales and happily ever after and brings them face to face with reality. This honest depiction brings the honest viewpoint of the author and creates space in the hearts of the readers without any deception. In addition, the author assumes the seat of the first-person narrator throughout the plot. She speaks through the characters when they talk individually to the readers. This makes sure that the author does not hamper or affect the perception of the readers about the characters and see the world through their eyes.
The air of “You are the reason I am alive today” is dominated by the contemporary scenario of the lives of the youth of today and bears the impressions of the complexities of emotions and difficulties in expressing them or hiding them. The protagonists, Anirudh and Alisha speak from their hearts and share fragments of their lives with the readers in a realistic and truthful manner. The author gives the control of the narrative in their hands and is practically absent throughout the book. This gives the characters strength, life and an individuality of their own. The 9 chapters of the book take the action in different directions and yet the speeches of the protagonists keep the narrative flow. It is interesting to observe how the book is woven through their words and any other characters only get expression through their words.
“You are the reason I am alive today” has 9 chapters and a prologue that move at a fine pace for the reader to understand. They are neither too slow nor too quick. The accurate speed keeps the interest of the readers intact, and they stick to the book throughout the unraveling of the plot. This book is recommended to all readers who are interested in reading books based on reality and bear close resemblance to life. Anshu Priya creates a world that features the problems of the present-day world and shows the complexities of life through the lives of 2 characters. These characters are representatives of people going through similar situations like them.
Anshu Priya’s “You are the reason I am alive today” is a book with a plot that is unique and its construction distinguishes it from all kinds of books written on the contemporary situations of human lives. For once, it seems to bear resemblance to the pathos found in Nicholas Sparks but gets back to its individual form as the text gets individuality and life on its own. This book will be enjoyed by all readers as the text contains a lot more than just the title says and justifies the fact that a book should not be judged by its name or cover.