Book Review: Tilottama At A Glance by Sreeparna Sen – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 3

Book Review: Tilottama At A Glance by Sreeparna Sen – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 3

“Every city has a story to tell and that story is often related to the history of the city. Well, there are several cities in India, which are waiting to tell you their stories so, make sure to travel a lot in this life of yours and collect a happy memory for yourself because in the end happy memories only matters!”

Reviewing this amazing travel, “Tilottama At A Glance” by Author Sreeparna Sen has been a very special experience to me, since I have been to Kolkata several times and I have a very happy memory with the City of Joy. I guess, for me it was like a treat to read this book, I enjoyed every word to every page of this book and this is something that I will cherish for a long time. The topics covered by the author in the book are truly reading worthy and the writing style by the author is incredible too.

About the Author: Author, Sreeparna Sen is currently living in Kolkata, the City of Joy! Sreeparna is a Banker by profession and finds her solace in writing. A Computer Engineer by education, she is a voracious reader. She has authored the book, Tales of Wizardencil and co-authored few anthologies like Hawk’s Nest, Sweek Flash Fiction Book Part 2 & 4 and Sharing Lipstick. Well, all these books by Author Sreeparna Sen are celebrated with great ratings as well as some truly positive reviews across all the platforms, where the books are listed.

Book’s Introduction: This book, “Tilottama At A Glance” by Author Sreeparna Sen comes under the category of ‘Travel & Tourism’ genre! The book is compiled from a series of blog posts written for the A to Z challenge. It is not merely the A B C’s of the city of Kolkata for a casual traveller. This book also allows the readers to acquaint themselves with the heart and soul of a rather unusual Indian city with loads of quirks. The book takes the readers to a journey through the culture, history, architecture, idiosyncrasies and other endearing or astonishing traits of Kolkata, which makes this city unique!

This book, Tilottama At A Glance is truly different from the other travel books. Well, even though it tells the reader what they can do in Kolkata and which places they could visit, the book goes far deeper than that. The focus of this book is to acquaint the reader with the people, culture, and the soul of the city of Kolkata. The book has a collection of 26 Essays, with each essay describing an aspect of the city based on one letter of the alphabet. Therefore, this book quite literally, describes Kolkata from A to Z. The book is short and sweet, where the author has managed to give pieces of information on many cultural aspects of a much loved city of India in the most charming language.

Readers’ Connect: Well, through this book Author Sreeparna Sen has made sure to describe Kolkata, the City of Joy in the most amazing manner. The readers will not only get to know about the places to visit in the city but also they will find out about the history of the city. The manner in which author has intended to describe the city is incredible and is something, which the readers are bound to love. Moreover, the readers are bound to love the personal and conversational tone used by the author in the book. As this something, which is gives a beautiful feeling to the readers as if they are having conversation with the author.

Another very important aspect of this book is that the narration made by the Author is indeed engrossing & interesting and the language used in this book is so lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page. Moreover, this is a book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Verdict: A book like “Tilottama At A Glance” is for sure a Must-Read oneand certainly deserves a chance. The way Author had penned down the stories in her book is indeed breath taking and deserves an appreciation. Her work is praise worthy as she has succeeded in creating a successful travel & tourism title!

Moreover, if you are one of those readers, who is looking forward to read a worthy Travel Book then this book is probably a great fit for you. Sreeparna Sen is a promising Author, who is very honest with her writings, which can be felt in her spectacular writings. Readers across the globe will love this book, since the book is successful in reflecting a sense of hope and happiness!

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