“Calendars of India” by Vinod Mishra

“Calendars of India” by Vinod Mishra

An Overview

There has always been research on the dimensions of time, and experts have tried to demarcate it as it can be seen today. Every continent is known to have evolved its concepts in this light too. India has always been known for its glorious past and its rich heritage. Hence, it had its concepts too. However, the existence of some content is verbal and written. One of the glorious heritage belongs to time demarcations and the manner in which it has been distributed in the calendar. “Calendars of India” by Vinod Mishra explores and tries to single out and explain the different calendars that have been followed and the calendars that are being followed outside India.

About the book

Mishra gives a comprehensive account of the calendars available, which makes this book informative and a repository of knowledge that is a product of his thorough research. He places the book in clear context by beginning the book with the basic concepts of time, which culminates into a whole of calendar types, Indian calendars, and later on with a proposal for the Hindu calendar. The author also links it with the astronomical concepts.

Relevance of “Calendars of India”

“Calendars of India” by Vinod Mishra gives an insight into a reader who may only know the standard calendar that is being followed in the present. This would help them understand how time differences and time zones have influenced the mathematical calculations behind the creation of calendars. At the same time, they may also be in awe of the science and advanced technology that existed in the earlier times, which influences even the present-day lifestyle. It is recommended to all readers not just because of its content but also because of its size and the manner in which the author has presented the content.

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