Emaddin Adventures: Book 4 – Review

Emaddin Adventures: Book 4 – Review

Fantasy and adventure are two genres that can become of instant interest to any reader. Omar Pasha presents the fourth book of his adventure series, “Emaddin Adventures,” which is a combined form of the 3 books written earlier which narrate the adventures of Emaddin and the kingdom he lives in. These adventures are not just limited to the life of young Emaddin but also many other people who meet him at different junctures.

As the readers go through the books, they do not understand the relevance of the title until they actually reach the end part where “Emaddin Adventures” as a title makes perfect sense, and the readers agree that no other title would have done more justice. In addition to a plot featuring adventures, the author takes the readers to the lands of Baghdad, where there are a sultan and his beloved kingdom. The problems he faces and how he counters them is what forms the basic fragment of the book.

The work would be of interest for both grown up and younger readers due to the presence of characters of different age groups who have their issues in accordance with their age. At the same time, the connectivity of the books makes readers eager to read the sequels without waiting. The 3 books can be a part of children’s bed-time stories and elders’ recreational reading. Therefore, all readers should try reading all the books.

Reviewed By: Akhila Saroha, The Literature Times

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