As we all know, a freelancer is an independent labourer who earns wages on a per-job or per-task basis, typically for short-term work. A few know the benefits of freelancing which includes the freedom to work from home or from a non-traditional workspace, a flexible work schedule, and a better work-life balance! Essentially, a freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organisations, they are ultimately self-employed.

Freelancers are responsible for all sorts of things that traditional employees are not, such as setting their work hours, keeping track of time spent on different projects, billing clients, and paying their own employment and business taxes.

There are few people who are not aware of the pros and cons of this field and they certainly end up having misconceptions and an inferior viewpoint than those of a fixed salary!

Some people have a misconception regarding Freelancers that they face numerous challenges.

Every work entails some level of struggle. People perceive this form of labour to be difficult since it lacks steadiness. They believe that freelancers move from job to job every month and do not have a consistent income.

This is not completely true, therefore Freelancing is not a ticket to an easy life. It comes with perks, but it also has pitfalls. Some people can handle these well while some can not. How hard freelancing is for one may depend on one’s personality, working style, and how well one tolerates uncertainty.

Similarly in this book, “Freelancing” by Sher Shah is written to resolve every such queries, misconceptions. This book helps one to understand freelancing in a quite understandable language and expound on it from the beginning of freelancing to the present time trends.

This is a practical guide for anybody looking to transform their side hustle into a full-time profession that you are actually enthusiastic about. This book demonstrates how different countries benefit from freelancing, as well as the numerous venues, skill sets, and requirements that are covered.

The book consists of around 7 chapters with sub topics and each of the following topics is covered in depth:- Freelancing’s impact on the global economy, income distribution. The development of jobs.Its adoption as a result of technological advancement and lastly, it discusses the future of freelancing as well as the dependability of this


About the Author:- Sher Singh, popularly S S Chauhan, is the youngest novelist who gives words to the situations that most novelists cannot.

With his pen, he writes magical words that make everyone admire the author. Since his childhood, S S Chauhan had incredible writing skills, which, later on, helped him to establish himself as a professional author. The author, by passion, was born on Indian soil in the dazzling state of Rajasthan. As born in Rajasthan, S S Chauhan belongs to a Rajput family with a heritage of arts and dignity. After doing his Master’s in English, he explored himself and found a gem hiding somewhere in his personality. That hidden gem was the gem of a novelist.

Therefore this book is a ‘must purchase’, ‘must read’ book since in today’s period after the pandemic, the youth all over the world must read this book and have a clear concept and better understanding of freelancing!

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