Maintaining Health during this Pandemic Time

Maintaining Health during this Pandemic Time

Since this Covid-19 stage,  our main concern has to be now in maintaining our health system. We need to be both mentally and physically fit. If we today neglect our health and work constantly, there comes a time when our immune system becomes totally weak. And 90 percent chances are there,  that we are bound to catch this deadly disease of  Corona virus.

This virus has become a threat to our lives. No one wants to die an untimely death. So lot of precautions need to be done to protect ourselves from this virus.

It is believed that a healthy body is a symbol of healthy and sound mind. Now the main precaution here is that we people need to wear a ‘mask’ before we go anywhere. Mask is a compulsion thing. Unless you protect the air you are inhaling, you can hardly escape this traumatic situation. So buy some good masks for yourself and also for each member of your house except the infants. They will be protected if you are protected.

The second precaution is that choose the environment you go. This means that if you enter a crowded area like an Airport,  Bus stand,  Railway Station, Hospital and other crowded areas, maintain this social distancing norm or else you will again falter.

Never assume things to be fine. This virus is hidden and so its effect will be visible if you by chance comes into contact of a Corona affected person. So don’t take things for granted. It’s the matter of your life!

Thirdly, always follow Sanitization rules. Always wash your hands frequently. Especially when you are in physical contact with someone. Teach the young members of your house this rule. The Germs of Corona virus can spread rapidly, so always keep a good sanitizer with you and avoid hand shaking norms with the people you meet.

Fourthly,  take the Corona Virus Vaccine as soon as possible. In India,  vaccination processes have already begun, so don’t escape from it fearing its effects. Every life threatening disease requires vaccination and so get your vaccine soon.

Fifthly, eat healthy foods which are protein and fiber rich. Build your immunity by having healthy and nutritious foods. Avoid mental stress and fear of this traumatic situation. The more confident and carefree you are, the more healthy you become.

Don’t stress over this matter. And if you find any symptom of this corona disease, immediately isolate yourself and consult a good Doctor who would thoroughly check you. If the result is positive and then soon get admitted to the hospital and get yourself treated well but don’t panic or lose confidence. This disease can be cured if you are mentally prepared to fight against it. So be bold and get yourself treated well and become a ‘winner’ here. Don’t forget if many people have died due this virus, and many have survived also.

Your health is your main source of happiness. Hence during this pandemic do follow those precautionary methods and Stay fit and happy.

Salma Afreen
Salma Afreen

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