Interview With Author Mantha Pavan author of the book “Decapitated”

Interview With Author Mantha Pavan author of the book “Decapitated”

Mantha Pavan is a young author who hails from a family of Judicial Officials. He is a Computer Science Engineer turned Civil Service aspirant. His grandfather Sri M Sridhara Rao was a District Judge and philanthropist and was an author of several law books.
Mantha Pavan published two novels, “The Unpresented Gift,” and “If it’s you in the end, I will wait a millennia.”
Mantha Pavan is interested in film making, drawing, painting, crafting, acting and script writing and is doing some short films.
Sci-fi thrillers, Murder mysteries, Serial Killer investigation thrillers, Alien thrillers, Love and romantic stories, Historical drama are the novels which are expected from the author in the near future.

1. Why did you choose the title of the book to be called Decapitated?

Author: The story starts with finding 4 decapitated heads in the fridge of the killer. And it is his modus operandi to decapitate his victims. I feel it is an apt title for the book because the entire story is based on it.

2. How did you come up with such a horrifying crime thriller?

Author: I have always been a watcher of crime stories. I spent a lot of my engineering nights surfing about real-life killers and their biographies. The roots of this book date back to 2019. But it was only in October 2021 did I come up with a full-fledged concept.

3. What according to you is the unique selling point of this book?

Author: I think the entire plot is different from usual crime thrillers in which the killer has to be caught at the end of the book. I have immense truth in the unique fresh feel it gives to the readers.

4. Tell us a bit about the gothic and hauntingly beautiful book cover.

Author: I personally design my cover pages for all my books. It gives me the authority of having everything in my control. I reveal the entire concept in the cover and only after reading the book the readers will come to know of it. It’s like the entire crux is in front of the readers but they can’t notice it until they finish the book.

Even this cover had a direct reference to the concept and only the reader could understand it.

There’s nothing much about the cover design. Before I write any novel, I first design the cover photo. I just opened the Canva app and searched for pictures which could suit my theme. Everything came to order and the cover was designed within 10 minutes. If we have something clear in our mind and we try to do it, everything comes on their way to us.

5. Which characters from fiction did you draw upon for creating ASP Darpan?

Author: I had no one in my mind when creating the character of ASP Darpan. All I had was a simple idea. What if a newly married police officer stuck up in a serial killer case? Soon, I started adding pieces of information to the idea. I wanted him to intelligent and fearless. I wanted him to be honest yet won’t hesitate to break rules if he wants to. And likewise, ASP Darpan had come to life. I want him to be the role model for every aspiring police officer.

6. Is your plot based on any real incidents?

Author: No. everything depicted in the novel is from my own creation and not from any real incident.

7. Who are the contemporary Indian crime writers who inspire you?

Author: I love the works of Salil Desai. His Inspector Saralkar series helped me a lot in knowing the police procedures and learning a lot of words which could be used in crime novels.

8. Why did you choose this genre for writing your novel?

Author: I have always been a crime novel enthusiast. Crime thrillers, especially serial killer thrillers will definitely have an edge over other books no matter which decade we belong. Whether it is 80s, or 90s, or 00s, or 10s, or 20s. The craze for serial killer thrillers will always be higher than any other genre. I want to continue the series of ASP DARPAN DESHMUKH with many other different mind-boggling plots. Each book will be a different story of its own, so that the reader doesn’t have to read the previous ones to understand the plot.

9. Do you fear that your novel can seem disturbing to many readers?

Author: To be honest I don’t think so. Because today’s generation has grown by watching many gore, gruesome and violent movies and web series. Reading such depictions wouldn’t affect them in any way. But still, I am no almighty. I can’t pass a universal judgement. There may be a few people who might find the depictions a little disturbing. whatever written in the book about the mindset and other malevolent things are based on a lot of research and ground work. I advice them to read it under guidance or hear the crux from their friends.

10. What is “The Unpresented Gift,”” and “”If it’s you in the end, I will wait a millennia” about?

Author: The Unpresented Gift, was my first novel and I made my debut into the writing field with that. The book is a love story filled with a lot of suspense and twists filled with many emotions.

What if you meet your ex-online-bestfriend in an unexpected wedding? How would you react when you find out the hidden truths from your past? was the crux of the story. The story revolves around two people, Rohan and Aishwarya, who met each other on social media. What made them close and what separated them from each other and how did they fill the awkward gap after bumping onto each other after 5 years of their separation is the plot. The story is told in both Rohan’s and Aishwarya’s point of view to make the reader feel the reasons behind the things they did and what made them do so.

The book has been receiving a lot of positive reviews from the readers.

If it’s you in the end, I will wait a millennia, was my second book and will be one of my best works. The book is so close to me that I literally cried while writing the climax of it. I started writing this book immediately after I finished my first book. It took me 12 days to write the book and will always be the fastest written book of my career.

What if you meet the perfect boyfriend? Would it excite you or would it haunt you? is the plot of book.

Kiranmayi meets a guy called Raghav in a pub. The man was so mysterious that everything about him was perfect. The story consists a lot of travel through Greece, France, London and many more places which makes the reader feel as if they were really in those places. The ending of the novel was the highlight of the book. Raghav’s character will be carried with the readers even after they read the book.

11. What other writing projects are you working on at the moment?

Author: I am currently working on a few projects and I wish to get them published in a year. The main genres I am currently working are suspense thriller, sci-fi thriller, historical drama, and detective thriller. And yes, I want to continue the ASP Darpan series as well.

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