Mesmerizing Melodies by Suvalagna Chandra: Book Review

Mesmerizing Melodies by Suvalagna Chandra: Book Review

Contributing to the literary genre called poetry; this amazing title Mesmerizing Melodies authored by poet Suvalagna Chandra is much more than just a collection of poems. This title is a perfect example of ‘Modern Day Free Style Writings’ as the book not only comprises of poems but also a series of articles under the separate sections. It is interesting to note that the book is divided into three sections namely – 1) Poems, 2) Blogs By The Author and 3) Few Words From The Author.

Well, through these ‘34 Thought Provoking Poems’ featured in this title, author-poet Suvalagna Chandra has truly presented the readers and the poetry lovers with a thoughtful new age poetry. With her brilliant work in this poetry collection, she has proved that the notion of poetry occurs when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance. Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality!

Author-Poet Suvalagna Chandra is known for her poetry collection title, ‘Mesmerizing Melodies!’ She got the latest edition of her poetry collection title published on 6th of November 2022 by Kolkata Press Books. Her work is brilliant in this title and has been appreciated by several readers on Amazon & other platforms. The book is available on all the online marketplaces for the readers in both paperback as well as in e-book format.

Before exploring further, let me mention that the author has not followed any particular theme for her poems rather the author has been wise enough to touch several subjects through her poetry. Undoubtedly, this title Mesmerizing Melodies is having a brilliant collection of poems, along with some truly beautiful & mesmerizing illustrations at regular intervals. In addition, the poems as well as the articles in this title are based on those subjects, which indeed plays a major role in changing the mindset of the people and creating a positive & constructive impact in the society. Moreover, the writing presented by the author is this title shows a great class and is something that can be regarded as a Trendsetter. The manner in which the author has added the collection of poems as well as the series of articles in her title is something truly brave and an example of the modern writing style!

Coming to the choice of the book title by the author for her work, let me mention that the author has been wise enough to go for a real ‘Catchy Title’ for her poetry collection book. The title, “Mesmerizing Melodies” for this poetry collection book is certainly an appropriate one, with reference to the collection of poems added to this book by the Author. A title so catchy and thought provoking simply compels you as a poetry lover to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is also giving a very interesting vibe, which will urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’s expression of words.

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much justified with regards to the poems in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt for this poetry collection book. Now, if we look at the book cover then we shall see the mentioning of “the book’s title on a light yellow background along with a simple design” on the book’s front cover! Well, the book’s front cover may not be offering any art or design for the readers yet it is creating an impression of ‘Pure Simplicity!’ Now, is something that would shift the focus of the readers in the content, which this title has to offer!

Well, the way authorhad expressed herself with her well versed poems in this poetry collection book, “Mesmerizing Melodies” is something really incredible and is undoubtedly an enough reason for you to shift your focus towards her poems and give this book a chance. It is the poet, who plays the pivotal role in touching the inner cords of our emotions and making us believe and think the way their words intend to and Author-Poet, Suvalagna Chandra had done this job in an exceptionally top notch manner. Moreover, the Author had beautifully expressed her feelings through her deep words and had given a Strong-Start to the poems; also, you can see that most of these poems had retained their flow until the very end, which gives you an immense amount of satisfaction as a poetry lover. Finally, coming to the overall conclusion or the verdict for this book, let me right away say that a title like “Mesmerizing Melodies” is for sure a MUST READ one and deserves a chance. The way author had penned down her emotions and feelings through her writings will make you go deep into the poems and find out the hidden meanings of the words, used in these poems. Author Suvalagna Chandra is a promising poet, who is very honest with her emotions, which makes her writings honest and reading worthy as well.

Book: Mesmerizing Melodies

Author: Suvalagna Chandra

Publisher: BlueroseOne (2022)

Total Pages: 149

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

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