Q&A with Aditi Sheokand about her debut book “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain”.

Q&A with Aditi Sheokand about her debut book “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain”.

Author’s Background: Author Aditi Sheokand who came up with this title, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain” dedicates this book to all those people who were & are in love with someone from head to toes. As, she believes that these people are the most beautiful souls in this world for loving boundlessly & giving their soul to someone without any conditions. This book is available in both paperback as well as in e-book format and has been published & released worldwide by Evincepub Publishing. In addition, the readers can order this title from any of the online marketplaces!

Neel Preet: Firstly, Congratulations on your book, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain!” Well, can you please share your experience about making your work come into the form of book!

Aditi Sheokand: Thank you. It was a dream for me to write a book and I couldn’t believe it turned into reality until I saw my book in my own bookshelf and it’s a big achievement for me.

Neel Preet: What inspired you to write this book? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?

Aditi Sheokand: I always wanted to write but I was looking for a good story until I met Natasha and she told me about her story and it touched my heart. Natasha’s courage, boundless love, forgiving nature and her flaws inspired me to write the book and to tell the story to millions of people.

Neel Preet: Your book title, ‘Together But Still Apart’ is definitely a catchy one! Therefore, can you please explain the reasons for going with this book title!

Aditi Sheokand: This story is about Natasha and Samar and they are together from past few years. There has been circumstances when they were together but the situations never allowed them to be actually together. It took a long time to decide the title but one day my friend came up with this title and I immediately decided to go for this one which is perfect for the story.

Neel Preet: Well, can you please explain that how is this book different from the other books of the same genres?

Aditi Sheokand: The love Natasha has for Samar is something really hard to find these days even in the books. The way she fought in every situation to keep their love alive and never giving up and on the other side Samar being very patient to deal with ups and downs. This book is full of emotions, happiness, excitement, tragedies, love, friendships, courage and pain and every emotion is there in this story.

Neel Preet: Apart from romantic fictions, in which other genre would you like to make your contributions?

Aditi Sheokand: May be not now, but in few years I would like to write some self-help books to help people deal with themselves.

Neel Preet: Reading the plot of this book, I’m greatly impressed & I want you to explain us, in your version, that how this book will appeal the present day readers!

Aditi Sheokand: I feel the youngsters can relate to this book, people who are in long distance relationship and who are deeply in love with someone can feel this is their story. I feel it will touch readers heart.

Neel Preet: Next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you!

Aditi Sheokand: There are few writers who has inspired me, but in this genre I would say Ravinder Singh. I love his book I Too Had A Love Story, and the day I read his book, I started looking forward to this day when I will publish my own book and hoping that people will give so much love to Together But Still Apart like they loved I Too Had A Love Story.

Neel Preet: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

Aditi Sheokand: When you love someone or something, keep some love for yourself as well. Because in the process of giving, if you give everything, you won’t have anything to give yourself at the end and that’s when it becomes hard to deal with yourself. Because when dreams and people leave, you are left with YOU only..

Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Aditi Sheokand: I haven’t started working on any other book at the moment. Currently I am looking forward to the response for my debut book, and I am hoping readers will love it.

Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

Aditi Sheokand: Thank you so much Neel.

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