SEO Tips To Boost Your Authors’ Blog

SEO Tips To Boost Your Authors’ Blog

In this digital age, the role of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has significantly increased. Most of the authorpreneurs knows the viability of the SEO and that is the primary reason for their excellence. If you are an author, reading this write-up then here is a chance for you to get familiar with all those SEO tips that will increase the audience reach of your blog. Things are changing rapidly in this modern digital world and the ones who are dynamic enough to adopt as well as act upon the new changes are the only ones, who will survive the race!

Blogs are no more considered inferior to the websites; as a matter of fact, today the top websites are including a dedicated blogging section in their sites. Thanks to the efforts made by the bloggers in the past decade, which resulted in blogs to generate more traffic and reach a larger audience base. Now, I guess that you can very well understand why you need to apply certain SEO hacks to boost you author’s blog.

Well, as you write posts for your author blog, you are engaging with your creativity and working with your writer’s muse. You might not be thinking too much about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part initially; however, with some progress you will realize the need of generating more traffic to your website/blog in order to attract more readers to your books. As it is always a wise act to employ a few simple SEO practices, which will in return boost your presence in the digital world & upgrade your game as an author!

Today we have ‘3 Easy Tips’ that will help your blog rank higher in the results of the Search Engines. Not only will these tips help you with the SEO part, but also they are bound to enhance your blogging skills. Well, these tips are as follows –

Tip 1) Use Keywords Wisely: The key to using keywords effectively for your blog is to focus on just one or two of them and use them in specific places rather than stuff your article full of them, which can actually hurt your SEO efforts.

Where should you place your keywords?

• The title (at the beginning, if possible)
• In headers
• Once or twice in the body
• The blog post URL
• The blog post’s meta description

Tip 2) Make sure that your blog/site is Mobile Friendly: These days, people use Google’s search engine more on mobile operating systems than on desktop or laptop devices. Well, unfortunately there are still a lot of websites that just do not work on phones and tablets. What does your blog look like on mobile? Has it been optimized? Google is moving increasingly in the direction of favouring sites that display properly on mobile, so making your blog mobile friendly has to be a top priority!

Speak with your website administrator to find out what needs to happen to get your blog up to speed. On the other hand, if you do it yourself, make sure you install the proper plugin if you are using WordPress (JetPack is a simple solution) or another CMS platform.

Tip 3) Use ‘Internal Linking’ where you can: When you link to other pages on your website, it can show search engines that your content is relevant and valid. It gives Google and other search engines reason to have your content surface more highly, plus it keeps visitors on your site longer. Win win!

Conclusion: The top brands across the world uses some cutting-edge SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to ensure that their sites always appear at the top of Google search results pages. Staying on top of the SEO game helps companies keep current and fresh in the minds of consumers, but it is also something that can help indie authors like you maximize website effectiveness.

Your blog is actually the key component of your author platform, so it is indeed necessary for you to ensure that you are optimizing it for search!

Written By NEEL PREET – Author of the Books, Voice From The East (2016); Journey With Time Place And Circumstances (2018) & Indian Defence Files (2021).

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