“Substratum Of Biology” by Author Sireesh N.M. -Book Review

“Substratum Of Biology” by Author Sireesh N.M. -Book Review

Firstly, it is very much obligatory to understand the subject matter on which this review has been carried out, well many of us are alien to the term, “Substratum” so let me start this review by defining the mentioned term!

Substratum means a layer of something lying another layer. Whereas in the biology branch of science, the term substratum applies to the base or material on which a non-motile organism lives or grows.

The book, “Substratum Of Biology” by Author Sireesh N.M. is actually an attempt to study the biology branch of science in a deep and conceptual manner. Well, through this book, the Author has targeted the students who are interested in the subject of biology. Undoubtedly, this book is academic in nature but the concepts in this book are vital for the common people too. Therefore, anyone can pick up this book for a read in order to understand some basic and fundamental biological concepts!

About the Author: Mr. Sireesh N.M. is a renowned Academic Author, whose calibre can be justified through his first book titled, “Semantics Of Basic Biology.” The Author has done his under graduation in Animal Science and he is pursuing his post-graduation in Assisted Reproduction and Embryology. He also holds his diploma in Advanced Medical Technology and various other Certifications in Biostatics Research Methodology and Biomarker Technology.

According to Author Sireesh, Biology is an indispensable subject and a science that cannot be changed or altered. Author Sireesh has made his utmost efforts to simplify every topics in this book, “Substratum Of Biology” to grasp it in a glance. The Author has funnelled all his ideas and information properly in order to reach the readers with ease!

Book’s Introduction: In this book, Stratum Of Biology, the Author had followed a very simple and yet an impactful strategy to explain the various subject matters, which makes up the entire biology of the living organisms around us. In this book, the Author has disentangled various biological concepts to change the rampant dread on biology among the young minds. Therefore, in order to penchant for the subject the book is written in such a manner that it would be easy for the learners to comprehend and internalize the concepts from the depth.

This fantastic book, “Substratum Of Biology,” which consists of a total of 6 Knowledge Imparting Chapters, along with several sub-chapters inside each chapters is ready at hand, informative book of knowledge for all the aspiring students!

Readers’ Connect: Well, the book is academic in nature and the Author has made sure to add numerous figures and diagrams throughout the book for presenting each and every minute details related to the subject matter in a better manner. The book presents the various biological concept in a very neat and presentable manner, which makes it even more easier for the students to understand the various subject matters.

In addition, those readers who are not the students of the biology branch of science can also take up this book for read. As the book consists of various basic and fundamental concepts, which we all need to know in our lives in order to gain a better understanding of our body functions and the functions of the living organisms around us!

Book’s Verdict: If we will study the complete subject matter presented by the Author in this book, then one can easily conclude that of course the Book Title is very apt and suitable. The Author has very well justified the book title, as the subject matter present in this book truly gives the information layer by layer, like a substratum!

Moreover, a book like “Substratum Of Biology” deserves a chance by the academic as well as non-academic readers since as readers most of us do not even have the very basic knowledge of the vital biological functions taking place in our body, which probably affects us at every moment of our lives with each breath that we take.

Therefore, for the sake of ‘Awareness’ this book is a Must Pick one, and a big hand for the Author for presenting such beneficial biological knowledge through his book!

Book Link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/9354465714/

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

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