An Interview with Author Krishna Kumar – 1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened

An Interview with Author Krishna Kumar – 1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened

Akhila Saroha: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened.” What were the events that led to the idea of writing it?

Krishna Kumar: Three years back I retired from business to pursue my lifelong interest in history and this is the first book which deals with the events that commenced the collapse of British Rule in India.

Akhila Saroha: As a title, “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” makes the readers wander at different levels about its significance and validity. Did you have any alternative titles in mind? How did you come up with this as the title?

Krishna Kumar: Yes,alternative titles were evaluated but  found that this title focusses with clarity on the content of the book

Akhila Saroha: How easy or difficult was it for you to decide the placement of the pace of the text and ensure that the readers would also feel connected to it in “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened”?

Krishna Kumar: This was easy. I wanted my book to track the events of this year in a linear fashion,since that is the way events happen  in real life. It makes it easy for the reader to analyze and follow the events.if you see the book the first three chapters follow exactly how the Japanese attacks on South East Asia ,Burma and then on India happened.For narrating implications on India, I had to go into background of British Rule in India before discussing Quit India movement.

Akhila Saroha: The book breaks ground by exploring subjects that make it unique in itself. Please share about your past experiences in literary writing as well as your future plans in writing.

Krishna Kumar: I have written articles in the past on certain contemporary matters and have three more books in work.I hope the second can come out in a few months.I am inspired by history, historical fiction and thrillers.The articles writing has been lagging for sometime and will be catching up.

Akhila Saroha: Did you have any particular audience in mind while writing “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened”? Which was it?

Krishna Kumar: Yes, largely the Indian and expat Indians who have a desire to know the real history but are under pressure from work and family to be able to devote little time for this.The book therefore provides context and past incidents so that the reader can get a complete immersive experience for this period.But I find that Indian history now has an international audience.

Akhila Saroha: “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” has a strong significance on the personal and social levels. Was prose the first format of writing that came to your mind to give words to your expression? Would you like to try the same with poetry as well?

Krishna Kumar: Yes prose was the only choice specially because I wanted to do extensive citations as many would like to know how this information has come about.

Akhila Saroha: “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” has given a powerful introduction to your potential as a writer. How was the journey of the book in the making?

Krishna Kumar: Thank you for the compliment.Enjoyed the process of writing and editing tremendously.

Akhila Saroha: “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” also features a variety of people playing different roles. How easy or difficult was it for you to write about them and remain unbiased and not let the readers’ thoughts be influenced?

Krishna Kumar: I have been frank in some of the assessments based on information on record.More than that I think  personal prejudices or opinions take away from presenting an authentic narration.

Akhila Saroha: “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” features a plot that develops swiftly and still manages to keep the readers involved. How did you ensure that the readership would remain involved throughout?

Krishna Kumar: By sticking to the story and avoiding sub stories which may distract from the main incidents. Personal anecdotes of participants are therefore at a minimum.

Akhila Saroha: In the present time, the ideas in “1942: When British Rule in India was Threatened” do not find much mention. What, according to you, could be the possible reason

for that?

Krishna Kumar: The history narrated in India was given a certain twist to ensure the image that British were supremely powerful and left India on their own accord.Neither of this is correct.Therefore the developments of this year are kept at bare minimum in Indian discussions.For example everyone knows about Quit India movement but the truth about the significance is different than one in popular domain. Not many know about Japan bombing Indian East Coast as it is not discussed.

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