Author Nandanan Nair Talks About His Book “Fireworks of Humour!”

Author Nandanan Nair Talks About His Book “Fireworks of Humour!”

Author’s Background: Author Nandanan Nair, son of late N Ravi Varma Thampan & late Ammini Amma hails from Kerala, the southernmost state of India where the Philosopher Trinity, Adi Sankara, Chattambi Swami & Sree Narayana Gurudev were born to enlighten the whole world and alas! The Author is a graduate from Kerala University in Political Science and he is having a Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management. The Author left his home state in 1978 in search of employment for Delhi. Moreover, after serving in two private organisations for few months, he joined University of Roorkee, which was his first State Government service. Later, he shifted to a Central Government job in Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee and at last, he settled in Northern Coalfields Ltd., Singrauli in MP (a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd.) for 30 long years until retirement as Senior Manager in 2011.

The Literature Times: First of all, Big Congratulations to you on your book, “Fireworks Of Humour!” What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.

Nandanan Nair: Thank you Neel Preet.  Since my book is published only recently, on 5th January only, a clear picture of the response is yet to be known , however I  am confident of a very good response for my book from humour loving public in the near future.

As far as the content of my book,  I have had encouraging response to each one of it from my friends who are my real strength for compilation of my write ups for publishing it.

 In order to answer this question, let me ask you,  who does not like humour?  I strongly feel that humour is my cup of tea and by publishing my book,  I wanted my special tea to be served to the world just to see a smile on every face as the sub title clearly shows.

The Literature Times: Through your book you have attempted to create humour for your readers, so my question to you is that what inspired you to write a book like this?

Nandanan Nair: In order to answer this question, let me ask you,  who does not like humour?  I strongly feel that humour is my cup of tea and by publishing my book,  I wanted my special tea to be served to the world just to see a smile on every face as the sub title clearly shows

The Literature Times: You have given a very long title & sub-title to your book, which is not so very continent for the readers to remember! So what made you go for this title for your book?

Nandanan Nair: Sorry to disagree with you.. Dear Neel. The title of my book “FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR” is not  long but short and very hot. Yes,  I never thought of a sub title but only at the insistence of my Publisher at the last moment to put it  “To see a smile on every face ” which I think is the only purpose of my book.

The Literature Times: Apart from this genre, from which other genre would you like to contribute towards the field of literature!

Nandanan Nair: Yes,  apart from humour, I enjoy writing poetry occasionally with a special touch of mine comprising only 8 to 20 lines which I don’t think will satiate the poetry lovers in a book form. That is why I thought it better to include a few humorous among them in my  book.

The Literature Times: While reading your book, I found that your chapters had quite a few political satires, which cannot always go well with the different types of readers! So, why did you take such a risk in your book?

Nandanan Nair: OMG… I am really sorry to say that political satire cannot be enjoyed by those who are unwilling to accept it as mere political satire.  Yes,  there should be humour sense above political affiliation. As I  clearly mentioned in my book, the content of my book are only the result of wild imagination and far from truth.  It is interesting to note here that I myself enjoyed describing me as the one discharged from mental asylum to escape from police arrest. Yes,  my FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR is only for humour and nothing more and only to see a smile on every face. Yes,  I will be the last one to take arms in my hand but nobody can deny me humour as my Armour.

The Literature Times : Your book is too different from the kinds of books, which we normally see in the literary fiction category. Therefore, can you please explain the overall theme of your book to the readers!

Nandanan Nair: As already  explained, the only theme of my book is humour and nothing more and purpose of it is only to see a smile on every face. Yes, I would like to repeat again and again what I have already mentioned even in the cover page as the concluding lines, ” If anything in my book hurts anyone, I am really sorry for my imaginations going wild “.

The Literature Times: Your writing seemed to be impeccable & you were bold in your book too, which I really appreciate. Therefore, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Nandanan Nair: Since you complemented me as bold,  let me boldly declare that I have no one to follow and all my inspiration came from my own inner conscience, the boldest one sitting inside me with blessings from my idol, Goddess Saraswathi,  the Goddess of wisdom. Obeisance unto Her in thousands. Anyway if I  have to pinpoint anyone who inspired me unconsciously,  it is the one and only late Kunchan Nambiar ( 1705 – 1770) the emperor of humour,  the proponent of humorous dance form ” Ottamthullal” in Kerala who used to criticize even the King, the omnipotent just for humour and received all accolades from the mighty King.

The Literature Times: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

Nandanan Nair: My only message is that human life is to celebrate. No advice to my readers except to enjoy humour simply as humour and don’t be serious to any of the content of my book. Yes,  no piece of advice to anyone but I have to make something remarkable for all as already written in my book, ” India is not a piece of land but a Land of Peace”.

The Literature Times: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Nandanan Nair: Yes,  if readers of my first book “FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR” take my humour only as simple  humour and want to enjoy more fireworks, explosives for the second spell of FIREWORKS is ready with me hot and spicy.

The Literature Times: Thank you so much for answering all the questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

Nandanan Nair:  Thank you so much Neel. It was really my pleasure having you as my guest.  I really enjoyed your company. Best wishes to you….Neel. Goodbye…

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