Author Success Story By Tulika Majumdar – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2

Author Success Story By Tulika Majumdar – The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2

About the Author- Tulika Majumdar

I am a thoroughbred successful corporate employee for last almost 20 years. Always a bookworm and having a way with words, it was my dream to get my work published to the world. During the 1st phase of Covid lockdown finally a lot of old work came together to form my 1st book “Saat Kando” with Asian Press, since then books of different genre namely “Digantarekha” & “Machranga” is already published. Currently I have 4 published titles in my kitty, each having a significant dash of imagination, romance and thrills, the latest being a compilation of horror stories called “Choturbhoy”. A professional and a mother of a 15-year-old son, I am all set to make a mark in the minds of readers as a Bilingual Author. Watch out for my next title in English with Ukiyoto Publishing House.

Throughout my entire life I have always forayed into unknown territory and success came through sheer grit. Writing casually in social media and magazines is one thing and mustering courage to get them published as a book is a completely different ball game. While I have spent sleepless nights thinking of the reactions my readers would give me and stood staunch in face of both encouragement and criticism. I am happy today that I am no more unsure of the quality of work and there is no looking back.

A lot of people ask me how I take out time for writing or for that matter how I balance my professional, personal and aspirational life. It’s very easy when you have a supportive family like I have and when you are passionate enough to walk that extra mile to balance it all.

As they say “Dare to dream…”  Otherwise the flight to height will never take off!

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