Author Sujit Kumar Mishra Talks About His Book “Winner Of  Day”

Author Sujit Kumar Mishra Talks About His Book “Winner Of Day”

About The Author: Sujit Kumar Mishra is an Indian Software Engineer, Actor & Author of Fiction & non-fiction books. The List of Non-Fiction books like Dot net & MVC interview questions: Interview preparation, how to be rich Tricks (Hindi / English) which is published in 2019 by Notion Press. Fundamental of Android App Development which is published by BPB Publication & Mathematics One Day by Notion Press in 2020. Sujit Kumar Mishra is also worked in various types of TV Serials and Movies in the Bollywood Industry.

The Literature Times: Welcome to The Literature Times, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.

Author: it’s one of the great opportunities for me. I have to share some specimen copies with mentors, friends, and family. Finally, I  got a positive response from him. I hope readers like Winner of Day. 

The Literature Times: What encourages you to become an Author?

Author: As an Author, I always think about the reader What I’m providing to readers, and How my book will be beneficial for them.

The Literature Times: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.

Author: I think knowledge, Imaginationis very important for writing. I like a lot of topics, especially the young generation, like Love and Romance, Suspense, Drama and Horror. I like Love and romance because India is a county of the young generation. Love and Romance are common topics for the youngster.

The Literature Times: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Author: Yes, Motivation and Inspiration are very important for the success of any area. I follow J.K. Rowling because I learn too many things about her life. I have read some articles about J.K. Rowling how she managed her life in difficult times. I also follow Indian Author Chetan Bhagat as he says proof yourself beyond your Limitation.

The Literature Times: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decide it? Please let us know the story behind it.

Author: When I was writing the story on Bangkok, It was a very difficult topic for me because I have never visited Bangkok. And I need to write because my character was there in the story. So I take the help of one of my friends who were there. 

The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Author: In 2020, I win the Prime India Author Award sponsored by the Prime India Award for my Books Fundamental of Android Apps Development which is published by BPP Publication. Listed on Top 100 Author in India. This news was also published on some nominal media like Zee Business, Spotlatest, Foxstoryindia, Aajkitaazanews, Hindilivetimes, Theindiasaga, daily hunt, etc.

The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Author: I want to stable career as a good author for my readers and I’m trying to present the best of the best information to readers.

The Literature Times: Are there any other books being worked on by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Author:  Yes, I have two more upcoming novels One is Zoya Island in Hindi Version and another one is Mission Mars in English Version. Misson Mars is already accepted by LeadStar Publication so I’m waiting for the next commitment by the publication house.

The Literature Times: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?

Author: I think if you are talking about modern writing and writer. You must be thinking about the young generation requirement what they want to read and if you are writer how you will present best of the best information for your readers.

The Literature Times: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?

Yes the publication of books I faced a lot of rejection and it’s time taking job but finally, the publication house is accepted my proposal and published the books.

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