Book Review Of Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life

Book Review Of Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life

Book: Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life

Author: T.S. Kumaresh

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2022)

Total Pages: 99

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

“At some or the other stage in our live, we all need some kind of counselling, motivation, encouragement or support in order to discover our undiscovered potentials. Thus it is through these life transformation guides that our lives becomes smooth and healthy!”

This remarkable book, “Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life” by Author T.S. Kumaresh is carrying a very beautiful aim of turning the lives of the readers into a cheerful one. The book intends to bring happiness to the readers by imparting knowledge and creating motivation in their lives. This book is written to change the mindset and the attitude of the readers and to teach them the ways of facing the challenges, which is bound to occur in everyone’s life. The manner in which the Author has provided solution with regards to most of the issues, which people of this generation are facing, is truly incredible.

Author’s Background: Author T.S. Kumaresh, is also known as Kums and he comes from the city of Bangalore. T. K. Surendran, Kums’ father, is a retired school principal and spiritual speaker who has authored numerous books on spiritual subjects. His father is an inspiration to Kums. The author is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience and a master’s degree in business administration. He has read several books on spirituality, psychology, motivation, and self-development. He has been regularly practising Vipassana meditation since 2015. The author is excited to share his discoveries, learnings, knowledge, and experiences with a broader audience through this book, so they can also benefit.

The author has also written two other books, ‘How to Accelerate Your Professional Growth.’ This book contains 21 unique fast-tracking ideas for career advancement. His second book is titled ‘Become the Best: Wisdom for a Happy Life.’ This book offers 21 excellent suggestions for living a healthy, prosperous, and successful life. Kums can be reached at –

Book’s Introduction: This book, “Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life” by Author T.S. Kumaresh comes under the category of “Self Help!” The book targets to ‘Change the lives of the Readers,’ of course for good, that too in an extraordinary and remarkable manner!

The book throws light upon those set of tools, which can be indeed beneficial for the people seeking for personal success, life mastery, joyfulness and an abundant as well as unbeatable mind-set. The aim is to make the readers understand about their personal success key by their own thought pattern, awareness, perception and the impact of all these aspects and values as a whole, when put together in the lives of the people. Through this book, the author has provided the readers with a simple and yet an impactful approach to solve the classic problems of human beings, which we encounter in our day to day life.

In this book, the author has talked about vital subject matters like – Mastering the MIND, Re-discovering YOURSELF, Life GOALS, Ways of leading a Happy Life and Achieving a Successful TRANSFORMATION. The book consists of a total of 21 Constructive and Reading Worthy Chapters! Whereas, this book is constructed in such a marvellous manner that reading and understanding the Author’s Theories becomes truly easy for the readers. In addition, the readers can find some very helpful and practical tips to follow and overcome their difficulties!

Readers’ Connect: The uniqueness of this book, “Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life” is that the book convinces the readers to find a very deep connection with the text in this book. In this book, the author has very openly talks about topics and issues, which are often either neglected or not taken very seriously the people and yet those issues plays major role in shaping up the habits and building up the character of a human being. According to the Author, if the reader follows the teachings of this book in the manner, which is aimed and expected then the readers could solve some Real Hurdles of their lives, which are pulling them down!

Through this book, the Author has talked about those Life Changing Wonders, which this Book can help an individual to achieve! The readers can very easily learn the ways to Defeat Stress; Build an Unbeatable Mind-set; Maintain balance in their life and explore the unique aspects of one’s true personality in order to gain success, serenity and positivity in their lives along with a healthy and constructive mind.

Book’s Verdict: Well, it would be fair to conclude that a book like ‘Nourish Your Mind And Become The Happiest – 21 Simple Ways To Learn All About The Mind And Live A Happy Life’ is a “True Saviour & A Guide!” As it is all about finding balance in life, which undoubtedly we all are seeking and this book has made it easier to find the ways of doing so and consists of all the right mix for the readers.

In addition, the Author has made some great efforts with his writings in this book and he certainly deserves a chance for spreading so much positivity all around. Happy Reading!

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