Featuring the Book ‘Reborn’ by Naresh Kumar Saroay

Reborn is a debut poetry book by Naresh Kumar Saroay and published by BlueRose. He is a professionally trained teacher of English language at GHS Gill Khanpur Dhadda, Jalandhar, India. He hails from the village Dhaliwal Kadian, Jalandhar.

Inquisitive and optimistic by nature, he always sees a reason to hope. His patience and experience reflects through his poetry. He wrote this book during lockdown.

Reborn sets the stage through its Preface: It is life, it remains life until it is balanced, and excess of anything is bad. It doesn’t mean imbalanced situations will not come. They are bound to come in the form of troubles, ailments, and tough times here the art of living works; those who know it, overcome it and those who don’t remain unsuccessful or repent and their potential inner powers remain unused and dormant.

This book will help you to shake off your limitations and have an overview of life for example the poem  “Purpose”  will make you focus on your dreams:

/Do you know the purpose of your life?

If you know you are lucky, if not, it’s yucky.

When you know the purpose;

You live for a reason,

Then, you get a vision,

Plan and live with that precision.

Learn the art of avoiding collision…/

This book raises the voice of a new born deserted girl:    

/I’m a new born deserted girl,

I made first cry in a garbage box.

I’m the fresh bud,

Whom the branch has just plucked and thrown.

Who are my parents?

It’s unknown.

Parents are called the form of God on earth.

I don’t know the reason of God being angry.

Why I became a reason of hate after coming into this world?

Will anyone explain, what does it mean?…/

This book will help you to move on to the path of realization:

/Calmness is bliss,

The source of peace.

How can it be achieved?

You need to be silent,

For your inner-voice to be heard.

Strong emotions must leave,

For violent-thoughts to be deterred.

More stability to be gained,

Reach firm state of mind, unstirred.

What’s going on inside?


It will help you to lessen your burden by boosting your self-confidence and will help you to move ahead in life. There is a poem “The power of choice”:

/The power of choice is great,

Know the power of choice.

A habit is never bad in itself,

Bad is what you develop or choose.

Choices are not bad in themselves,

It’s the type of choices you make.

Either you make your life a heaven,

With the right ones, or a hell you create…/

It’s a nourishing poetry that will enrich your soul. You can gift this book to your father on father’s day because there a poem “A father”, which throws a light on the importance of a father:

/A father is he who loves from his heart,

A father is he who protects.

He scolds many times,

He moulds most of the times.

Because he has seen the failures,

He wants to see you succeed.

If he has to, he bleeds.

He bears all the brunts,

He is made of flesh too,

But for the family he stands as if made of steel…/

The poet talks about the satire for women who wear simple clothes: “Behenji type”

/I’m a simple girl brought up in a village,

Who for better education has come to the town.

I have heard this word back in my life.

It means a sister, a word for respect.

I never thought it could be an abuse!

How could simplicity be a shame?

I didn’t know it as a satire!

Respect! I have got there,

And respect I have learned…/

He throws a light on world peace, charity and the value of humanity. He urges to stop causing bad tears and clears what are good tears. He requests man to leave useless fights in support of UNO and world peace through his poem “O leave it man, why are you fighting”. He has touched every valuable aspect of life. He tells the value of a writer’s voice through a poem “The voice of a writer”.

This book will help you to understand what you should do if you ever feel sad or depressed. It will make you think about what real beauty is and when you should take your love back if you ever feel you have faced the blues. This book will motivate you to realise the real you in you through poems like “That’s me”. Read this book to meditate, to find solutions and to end confusion. Happy reading. This book is available on Amazon globally or you can buy it from  author’s website: www.nareshkumarsaroay.in

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