I Can Change The I & Everyone Is I: Quoted For Billion People 1.0 – Author Rushang Tangal

I Can Change The I & Everyone Is I: Quoted For Billion People 1.0 – Author Rushang Tangal

This book is the first part of its sequel and this explains why the book is marked as 1.0. The book cover is simple and has the title etched on the cover page with precision and clarity. As a self help book, this book gives a wonderful reading experience in terms of the brilliant insight and quirky presentation that is handy, easy to follow and catches the attention of the reader yet makes the whole reading session fully inspirational. The book goes by the tag line: Read. Relate. Realize. Recreate which is again repeated in the sequel to this book also. Such a tagline explains the core ideas of the book that inspire the reader to change and make changes for the better. Such change is supposed to be a welcome step towards positivity and unleashing the creative juices in the mind of the reader who is now looked upon as a practitioner of the issues.

This change is both short term and long- term commitment. The book stresses more on the commitment to make this change rather than on the change itself. It focuses on stressing on the consistency in attaining such a change so that the change is attainable and sustainable as well in the long run.  Such thoughts and ideas instil in the reader’s mind the motif of betterment which is what this book is all about. It drives home the points of self-care over the need to adjust with the circumstances while explains that no matter what the situation is, one needs to feel contentment in knowing the fact that they have done their best. Once the self is emotionally and mentally stable then the social surroundings and social circles will find stable energy and draw on that. The two will balance each other out. This is based on the idea that when the self changes and finds peace then so will the social surroundings. The book cover is bland and simple which puts the stress on the content inside that has elements of helpful advice but not overly didactic ideas. There are these dots on the book cover which is like a scale that measures the progression of the change in the individual.

This scale ranges from dark shades to light shades and perhaps is indicative of the range of -1 to 1 which shows the manner in which the personality of the individual is supposed to be shaped through the alteration of their course of personality after having read this book. The length of the book is 315 pages which is rather short making the book a quick read though a moderately difficult one in terms of the ideas that are relayed. The book claims to be quoted for a billion people to realise the core values of life and it is this realisation that is important to become good human beings. In terms of content, the book provides a collection of inspiring and uplifting quotes. The book provides a lot of instructions and guidance in terms of mentioning how to go about the reading process. This is done to assist readers in making the most out of this book.

The order of reading the book becomes redundant and any page can be picked up and read through as wished. However, the author mentions that the first way to read this book is to simply read and understand and the next is to read and reflect by imagining and realising the issues and themes discussed which is the stronger manner of reading. Such a guidance helps readers to practically think and apply these quotes provided that they maintain the disclaimer given. This is all about being honest with their own selves and to ensure that they do not deviate from the path of honest self -reflection. Another method is to make notes on the given quotes. This makes the book a sort of work/ guide book in which ideas are to be jotted down on the margins and highlighted and understood. This makes the book a serious one but not a boring one.

The content is not to be taken in a casual manner as just a collection of quotes by someone who failed to write a full- length book. Rather, the task of getting the crux of the life changing ideas has been made easy for readers in terms of the manner of mentioning these quotes that create tension, evoke imagination and inspire to the core. It is in this crisp and clear manner that the quotes provide depth to the thinking of the reader and flood his/ her mind with new ideas about facing the odds of life and its challenges with a renewed spirit. This creates new vigour and passion in the reader’s mind. This is seen in the contents page that goes by the heading ‘Topics of Life’ that is arranged alphabetically. This is followed by the different chapters that provide the quotes which are titled Change, Character, Grow, Good and so on.

While most of the quotes are interesting, full of practical advice, akin to reality and set realistic goals, they also provide and enhance the core values of humanity and bring out the humane in every individual. Another aspect of these quotes is that they also reflect on the urgent need for bringing about positive change through hard work and inculcating strong values that are universal. Some quotes are short while others are lengthier. Nonetheless, all the quotes are awe inspiring. There is the stress on being positive and maintaining a hopeful, fresh and positive outlook towards life. It also inculcates good values and provides value based education. For example: “Doing a favor doesn’t mean you take advantage of someone in doing a favor.” Some of the quotes are rattling as they shake the inner conscience. This helps readers to be in touch with their true self. This is helpful and much needed in terms of the identity crisis that most youngsters are going through in the modern world. This is noted in a quote like: “Sometimes you need a heart to understand not mind because heart develop feelings and feelings understand.”

The overall writing style is simple and easy to follow. The vocabulary is easy to understand and there is seldom any use of very difficult words.  All quotes only speak the realistic truth behind the ideas conveyed which is considered as what it right and the correct way of conducting oneself. It is this effort to be open, frank and bold about the realistic aspects of knowledge that makes this book reliable and relatable. This is noted in the quote: “Becoming who you are should be a beautiful possibility for humanity.” There is nothing that is illogical or irrational and romanticised in this book which is typical of the thought process and writing style of the author. This helps maintain a good balance in terms of expression and content. There is moderation that is practiced in everything. The concluding idea imparted by the book is bound to leave readers ecstatic and impressed as it says: “Search for a better you. Don’t blindly become what others tell you.” This is what provides a sense of hope, instils courage in the reader and wards away fears and anxieties that facilitate self growth.

Reviewed By: Tasnima Yasmin

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