Mr. Chaitanya Ramakrishna Kale talks about his book-  भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ )

Mr. Chaitanya Ramakrishna Kale talks about his book-  भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ )

Author Bio:

A Great learner seeking the learning opportunities to serve my nation, to discover new ideas with advanced technologies & innovation, to develop the things for the whole world & society, where each & every person get the benefits & satisfaction for years on years. He believes in bringing a revolution and change in the mindset of young minds of Bharat through his writing. He has been the part of School’s Team that won STEM ENGAGEMENT AWARD in NASA HUMAN EXPLORATION ROVER CHALLENGE organized by NASA (Marshall Space Flight Center), he Got Selected in INSPIRE MANAK AWARD Organized by Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, He also participated in अंतरष्ट्रीय कवी सम्मलेन- हिंदगी on the Occasion of Hindi Divas. Here, Mr. Chaitanya Ramakrishna Kale talks about his book-  भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ )

The Literature Times: Author, welcome to The Literature Times. Congratulations on the publication of your book! What feedback do you get from your readers? Please share your thoughts on this book.

Author: When it was announced that the book is going to come soon then there was a lot curiousness and eagerness among the readers. They were very excited by just seeing the cover page. I started getting calls and messages from the readers asking me about the book. I feel that if you read this book with a neutral perspective, it will surely bring a change in the way you think and talk about Bharat. This book is an attempt to make the readers aware and make them understand the truth which was hidden from ages. I hope the first part of this book is just the start of a revolution.

The Literature Times: What motivates you to become a writer?

Author: Our civilization, our ancient science and mathematics, our cultural heritage and our motherland is what motivates me to become a writer. These things motivate me to tell its greatness, softness and the integrity through my words and it gives the life to my inner feelings through which I can write and thus it motivates me to become a writer.

The Literature Times: What are your favourite writing topics? Please tell us a little bit about your literary interests.

Author: My favourite writing topics are about the richness and the extensive knowledge that our civilization has, the way it hides the connection between spirituality and science is what I always love to write and speak. I wish to create awareness among the young generation through my writings about our Bharat’s Heritage in the form of petals of a Lotus flower.

The Literature Times: We were hoping you might tell us about some of the authors that have influenced you and who you read!

Author: The authors that have influenced me is my father and Shailendra. My father is a great poet and his writings gave the birth to my writing career. Shailendra being a great writer gave a message to all the artists and writers, he said “कलाकार का कर्त्तव्य भी है कि वह उपभोक्ता कि रुचियों का परिष्कार करने का प्रयत्न करे

The Literature Times: The title is unique and appealing; how did you come up with them? Please tell us the story behind it.

Author:  So, the story starts with my school and surroundings, in my school I observed many people complaining about Bharat and its integrity. This made me furious. Another day I observed people praising the west over the Bharat culture. This left me no way rather than writing my first book भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ ) through which I can create awareness among the youth. My main aim is to bring a revolution and change in the mindsets of young generation of Bharat.   

The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Author: I have been the part of school’s team that won STEM ENGAGEMENT AWARD in NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge, I got selected for Inspire Manak Award organized by Department of Science & Technology. I also got award for Most Consistent Student Award in ATL Tinkerpreneur Bootcamp organized by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, I also participated in अंतरष्ट्रीय कवी सम्मलेन- हिंदगी on the Occasion of Hindi Divas and many more….

I wish to create awareness among people about our country and in my future writings I wish to continue the same.

The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Author: I am not looking writing as a career, instead of making career in writing, I will be happy if there is a revolution and change in thoughts of young minds about Bharat through my writings. If this revolution and change takes place then I would feel that my aim and motive is successful.

The Literature Times: Do you have any other novels in the works? Please keep us updated on your future endeavours.

Author: My first book भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ ) is my first book and this is just the beginning and I am planning to launch भाग- २, भाग- ३ and निष्कर्ष my main aim would be to bring revolution, create awareness and change the mindset of the readers. The भाग- २ is probably going to come next year in the month of September-October. I hope that the entire edition of भारत – एक विश्व गुरु would be a game changer.

The Literature Times: How do you view Indian writing in the twenty-first century? What changes do you see in today’s writing style? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?

Author: Indian Writing has obviously been changed by the time. In today’s era of technology, the writer has got the advantage of connecting to the readers very easily. Due to media writer can spread his message very quickly and easily. Today it has become the responsibility of the writer to give society a way to move ahead and give an appropriate message to the society. Thus, writers influence the way a society moves. Therefore, the writing has evolved and change in twenty-first century.

The Literature Times: How simple/difficult was it for you to publish your book? What message do you want to send to aspiring authors?

Author: This journey of publishing the भारत – एक विश्व गुरु (भाग- १ ) was the test of my patience level as it took a lot of time, which I never expected. It was enjoying journey and a learning as well. I would always like to thank my mamma and pappa for being the source of my inspiration and motivation for this journey. The message that I would give is same as Shailendra’s message, I also feel it is the duty of a writer, author and an artist to try to refine the readers, viewers and customers’ interest.

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