Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain by Author Aditi Sheokand – Book Review

Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain by Author Aditi Sheokand – Book Review

Love is a beautiful feeling – a feeling that certainly cannot be described in words. Well, through this amazing romantic fiction title, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain” Author Aditi Sheokand has presented the readers with a great story of romantic struggle. The author has made a brilliant effort with her novel by covering up a journey that is filled up with romantic gestures and at the same time highlighting the pain that comes in the course of love. The book portrays that even in the journey of love one has to take several tests; and the love sustains only when the lovers stands strong when their relationship is tested. Otherwise, love is that delicate feeling, which can be lost if once the trust is breached or the feelings are hurt.

Author Aditi Sheokand who came up with this title, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain” dedicates this book to all those people who were & are in love with someone from head to toes. As, she believes that these people are the most beautiful souls in this world for loving boundlessly & giving their soul to someone without any conditions. This book is available in both paperback as well as in e-book format and has been published & released worldwide by Evincepub Publishing. In addition, the readers can order this title from any of the online marketplaces!

Before diving further into the pages of this title, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain” let me mention that the author has made a brilliant effort with this novel. The book covers a great story revolving around the main characters & the incidents of their lives. The manner in which the story progresses is truly incredible; and will make the readers feel the thrill while going through this amazing novel. The book comes under the category ‘Contemporary Romance’and the storyline of this romantic fictional novel is revolving around Natasha and Samar, who are the main characters of the story.

The book takes the readers into the world of Natasha, who is a simple upper middle class girl living her life to the fullest and running after her dreams. She meets Samar in unexpected ways who is career oriented person trying to fulfill his family’s expectations and chasing his dreams at the same time. They are completely opposite to each other, living in different countries. They fell in love and Natasha tried everything to be with the love of her life, Samar. She goes above the line, fought with people and even with herself to be the perfect girl for Samar.

Further, a point came when she had questions, such as what will happen in their life? How they faced everything together thinking about each other’s happiness? How they kept supporting one other in their thick & thins? Will they be together even after being together for so many years? Well, through the ‘15 Reading Worthy Chapters’ in this book, the author has narrated a marvellous tale of love, excitement & pain!

Well, if we look over the title – “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain”for this book, which is a Romantic Fictional novel, then one can conclude that it is certainly an appropriate one with reference to the collection of chapters added in this book by the author. Moreover, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very thrilling as well as an interesting vibe. Therefore, as a reader you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’s thoughts.

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much ‘Justified’ concerning the reading worthy storyline present in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt Book Title for this novel & the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title!

If you are wondering that, what would keep the readers connected with this title then the answer is very simple. As the storyline is indeed engrossing & interesting and the narration style by the Author is so amazingly lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page of this romantic fictional novel. Moreover, this is one such book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Now, coming to the final part, i.e. the book’s verdict where I must mention that a title like, “Together But Still Apart: A True Saga Of Love, Excitement & Pain” is for sure a Must Read one& deserves a chance by the readers. The way Author had presented the central characters and their role in the plot is certainly making this novel incredible. Her work is seriously praise worthy as she has succeeded in making a great book in the competitive category of romantic fiction!

Aditi Sheokand is a promising author, who is very creative in her writing, which the readers can feel through her spectacular writings. In addition, her honest work makes this book even more reading worthy.    

Author: Aditi Sheokand

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2022)

Total Pages: 237

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

Book Link:

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