Tanu Grover Talks About Her Poetry Book “Pure Pleasure”

Tanu Grover Talks About Her Poetry Book “Pure Pleasure”

Penned down by Tanu Grover, this timeless treasure of poetry is a disclosure of the secrets of the human heart, who with love, loves to play its part. From the bliss of life to the sorrows of strife, from the hunger of heart to the satiation of soul, from the charms of childhood to the dread of death, from the lunacy of love to the loneliness of separation, from the power of dreams to the loss of hope, from the frenzy of attraction to the torment of rejection, from the beauties of Nature to the fire of Hell, from the blessings of God to the curses of Satan… The human heart bears it all and ‘PURE PLEASURE’ says it all.

The Literature Times: Welcome to The Literature Times, Ms. Tanu Grover. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.

Tanu Grover: Well…Thank you so much for your best wishes! It has been a beautiful journey writing these poems and I must say, it has proved to be much more beautiful when I hear my readers pouring out their beautiful insights on how these poems have touched their hearts and how easily they can relate themselves to the situations delineated in the book. Love is the main theme of the poems. And every human loves something or the other in life, doesn’t he?  Some love things, some love people, some love God, and some love Nature but love, we all do; don’t we? So it has appealed to all the masses tremendously.

The Literature Times: What encourages you to become an Author?

Tanu Grover: The way writing transports me into a totally new realm is the reason for my passion to write. Peace encapsulates my soul and elation dances in my heart whenever I hold a pen and paper to write and then all of a sudden, there is an unexpected outpour of a million beautiful thoughts which carry me over the moon. It’s heavenly… pure pleasure, I must say! (giggles)

The Literature Times: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.

Tanu Grover: Well…the mysteries of God, love and life have always attracted me. Being a firm believer in God and the healing powers of Nature, I love to depict their magic in my works. Moreover, I am of the opinion that there is greatness in every single man; one just needs to cull it out consistently. Hence, I absolutely love to encourage the masses through my words to attain their highest self. And yes, I also believe strongly in twin flames, soul mates and love beyond this world; so my writings often revolve around these topics.

The Literature Times: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Tanu Grover: Ah! Shakespeare…Yes! The great William Shakespeare is my all-time favorite. I absolutely love him and he has always proved to be such a massive inspiration to me. Along with him, I have a great affinity for the works of William Wordsworth, John Donne and Jane Austen. And I loved to read Sidney Sheldon’s novels and Nancy Drew series in my younger years. Furthermore, Dale Carneige and Napolean Hill have executed a great influence in carving out the person that I am today. I really, really owe them a lot.

The Literature Times: The title seems quite different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.

Tanu Grover: Hmmm…Pure Pleasure…The Poetry Treasure (laughs). As a matter of fact, there was no pondering over it. Poetry is indeed the greatest pleasure for the senses, especially mine and it undoubtedly proves to be a greater wealth to me than all the combined treasures of this materialistic world. So this beautiful title just flowed out of me effortlessly.

The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Tanu Grover: To tell you the truth, my writing career has just started even though I have been writing ever since I was a little girl. People from the neighborhood, friends, family and even many of my teachers used to ask me to write poems, stories, speeches and essays for them but little did I have an idea that I was born to write only! Many magazines and newspapers have published my articles but my actual book got published this year in June only which is a romantic novel named, COULD LOVE BE FOREVER? And now this poetry book is my second accomplishment in the field of writing. But I do plan to go on and on. Presently, I am working on another romance novel which will most probably be out in 2022.

The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing as a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Tanu Grover: I feel immensely blessed to have made such a beautiful contribution to the world of literature. My poems and my novel will always remain in this world, even if I do or not. And through the power of my words I may continue to rejoice people and show them a beautiful path of living through the lessons which are hidden in my works. Hence, my happiness lies in sharing the wisdom which I have acquired in this lifetime with my readers and my only aim is to be of some use to humanity in any way I can. And for as long as I live, I would love to keep writing and share my experiences of life with the world.

The Literature Times: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Tanu Grover: Yes, dear, I already mentioned that I am working on a romance novel presently. This novel is again a story of two long lost lovers who face many tribulations in order to unite with each other. Rest I would love to keep a secret only (giggles). And as I am a certified happiness mentor as well, so I have also planned to write a book on attaining true happiness in life.

The Literature Times: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?

Tanu Grover: Well…I would just love to say that nothing in this universe is difficult. If you set your heart to something, the universe serves you in the most amazing ways and showers unimaginable opportunities in your lap from all sides. But to receive such abundance, your mind must be clear about your goals, your desires. A firm belief in your own self as well as the Almighty is mandatory. And to top it all, consistent efforts and perseverance must accompany all your desires to carry you to magnificent heights.

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