“Tathastu! Your Success Granted” is a Personal Transformation Guide

“Tathastu! Your Success Granted” is a Personal Transformation Guide

“When you pay constructive thoughts to your subconscious mind, in return, it owes you infinite success and satisfaction.” – Author

This remarkable book, “Tathastu! Your Success Granted” by Author Ankit Thakar is a perfect reading treat for all kinds of readers. The book has been written with an excellent & direct objective of making the readers realize their potential energy and gather their energy in order to create a positive thought process, which shall help them in gaining success. Through this book, the author has made sure to create motivation in the life of the people, who are seeking wisdom to accelerate in their lives. This book changes your mindset & attitude and teaches you the ways of not just facing the challenges, rather overcoming them and getting victory over the issues pulling us down. The manner in which the Author has provided solution concerning most of the issues, which people are facing in their personal as well as professional lives, is truly incredible!

Author’s Background: Author, Ankit Thakar is known for his book, “Tathastu! Your Success Granted” that got released on 1st of April, 2022. The book got published by Evincepub Publishing and is available in paperback, hardbound as well as in e-book format.

The readers can buy Author Ankit Thakar’s book from any of the online marketplace, where the book is listed; the book is available on Amazon, Flipkart, Google Books, Play Store, Goodreads, etc. The readers can also contact the author through the medium of his social media handles or email, which are –

Facebook: Tathastu-Your-Success-Granted

Instagram: tathastu_your_success_granted

Email: tathastu@thakarankit.com 

Website: www.thakarankit.com

Book’s Introduction: The book, “Tathastu! Your Success Granted” by Author Ankit Thakar is a Personal Transformation Guide, which comes under the category of “Self Help!” This book is designed for those readers who are actively seeking guide in order to attain success in their personal as well as professional lives. This book provides the time tested “Success Mantras” to crease out all that has been standing between a person and the person’s biggest success plan. It shall let the readers explore the uncharted terrain of a successful life!

In addition, the Author believes that everyone has the potential to achieve something outstanding. However, our beliefs about ourselves fix the limits of our achievements. Every individual has an assessment of himself or herself and that basic self-assessment goes far towards determining what one can become. Through this book, the author is giving a clear message that one can do no more than what one believe they can. The author has summarized his own experiences and learnings in this book with the pure intention of helping out the readers of this book, as he talked about the ways of facing the ups and downs of the life.

Book Title: The title Tathastu! Your Success Granted” for this book, which is a personal transformation guide, is certainly an appropriate one with reference to the collection of chapters added in this book by the Author. Moreover, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very optimistic as well as an interesting vibe. Therefore, as a reader you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’ thoughts.

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the reading worthy chapters present in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt Book Title for this novel & the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title!

Readers’ Connect: The uniqueness of this book, “Tathastu! Your Success Granted” is that the Author has laid down some very practical guides for those readers, who are looking forward to excel in their personal as well as professional lives. The book carries some great insights and covers some of the prime subject matters related to achieving a great mindset and using the full potential in order to attain nothing less than success!

Through this book, the Author teaches several methods of nurturing the human mind so that one can be ready to overcome any challenge, which the live throws upon them. Through the 6 Chapters and the Closing Note in the book, the author has also given the readers the roadmap to follow one’s dream and fulfill them too. The readers are bound to love how the author has talked about such big things in such a simple manner with a great narration in this book.

Book’s Verdict: Well, a book like Tathastu! Your Success Granted can be described as a “True Guide & a Saviour” for those people, who are actively looking for success. Through this book, the readers will get the answers to many of their long unanswered questions, with regards to the ways of attaining a productive mindset. In addition, the readers will also achieve a mindset to create solutions for themselves, which makes this book a MUST READ one!

Moreover, the words used by the author are also very inspiring and the overall theme of this book has been providing that motivation, which the people are lacking in their lives, while moving ahead towards for their goals.

Book Link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/9354464793/

Book: Tathastu! Your Success Granted

Author: Ankit Thakar

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2022)

Total Pages: 162

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

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