The Life Learnings by Priti Kabra: Book Review

The Life Learnings by Priti Kabra: Book Review

Losing one’s hope and one’s self-efficacy as a sign of weakness towards the nearest path, one has paved since ages, crossing all the hurdles and thresholds would only jeopardize one’s life in various dimensions. To this contrary and within the context, Priti Kabra in her book “The Life Learnings” has put forward her viewpoints and techniques as of how to be more empathetic in life and to know oneself to overcome the obstacles and place a barrier against the hurdles to reach the goals.

The author in her book “The Life Learnings” has incredibly put emphasis on providing one with expert insights, practical and applicable techniques, real life case studies chased and learnt from her own life journey.

A factor to be highlighted in the title of the book “The Life Learnings” is that it itself depicts the lessons, the author herself has experienced and pondered and managed to cope up with and if not so then she might have encountered few from the surrounding she has been inn.

The book efficiently upholds the daily hassles like anxiety, depression, feeling out of control, existential crisis, a sense of being overwhelmed or at one’s wits end, or a feeling of not able to carry on with life as it is. Not only this, but also she had excellently acknowledge the cause and effect theory along with the mending caliber one possesses.

The author effectively created a Mind-set for the readers to not only read like a parrot but also flow along with the different tides in the ocean of one’s life. A precise guidance through therapies and logical reasoning has been put forward by the author to heal and develop a “peaceful soul and psyche”.

Priti’s words defines the day-to-day hassles and hustle along with the outcome and impact on the people who strives to act, speak, and think like others. “Fitting in one’s own shoe is better than striving hard in fitting into other’s shoe”, is a firm belief as shown and quoted by the author in her book.

The readers are kept engaged from the cover to the blurb since each chapters, covered by the author is very much relatable and therapeutic to every reader irrespective of their age group or gender. Therapies are efficient but words are more effective throwing a great impact on one’s soul and mind as practically framed by the author in her book “The Life Learnings”. Therefore, reading such a book definitely motivates one’s dead soul walk over a fire path without any further hesitation and doubts.

Title: The Life Learnings
Author: Priti Kabra
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing
Reviewed By: Soudia Parveen, The Literature Times
Order Book: Amazon

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