The Lost Emotion – Shreya Talwar

The Lost Emotion – Shreya Talwar

Emotions are the essence of everything around us. Whether it’s in our daily living or any sphere associated with our routine lives, that is our workplace, our entertainment avenues, which could be television, cinema, books or the most crucial part of our lives – our relationships. Emotions can be found in every nook and corner. To be honest, every aspect connected with us is incomplete without emotions, that could be thought of as an expanse of wilderness. But strangely, today when we look around, it seems that the shadows of being cold and indifferent have clouded the radiant beams of warmth, concern and tenderness.

Emotions have the capacity to create a bridge between people, letting them establish a strong line of communication. It empowers one to gauge the other person’s sentiments to be able to either infuse a rhythm of joy to their happiness tune or help them sail through the rough sea. That is the power of pure emotions. The connection that it creates illuminates each and every space. As an instance, let us look at the ever-growing marketing sector, wherein brands try and weave a story within a thirty second advertisement, because it is only emotions that have the strength to connect with a larger audience creating an indelible imprint in their mind. Even in offices, the members of an organisation share an emotional connect in the form of appreciation, gratitude and support that they show for each other.

An emotionally viable workplace would always move up the ladder, because if you understand your people, they will leave no stone unturned to put in their best towards your goals. Even a movie or a book would be lacklustre if the right amount of emotions are not infused in it. Last but not the least, the most pivotal part of our being – our relationships. No points for guessing that being surrounded by an emotionless relation would be no less than a nightmare. So, why are we drifting away from these sentiments? Why are we losing this basic essence and forgetting its importance? We all are gravitating towards becoming more practical and less emotional, where we are weighing things in terms of benefit and loss, rather than the emotional value attached to it. It’s good to be rational in one’s approach but only in matters pertaining to materialistic objects and not humans. Can you remember the number of times you had a heart-to-heart conversation with someone, where you could truly express your thoughts, a situation where you could have asked for assistance from someone or been a helping hand for the other, or a moment with your near and dear ones when there was a genuine flow of emotions? If it is taking you minutes to answer these questions, then you surely are missing out on the essence of living.

Let us not take people who are an important part of our existence for granted and think them to be mere assets or liabilities for equalising the balance sheet, who can be shifted from one section of the sheet to the other as per our convenience. Instead think of them as those priceless gems who if cared for will always pull you out of darkness by spreading their radiance all around. After all a human without emotions would just be a robotic machine, which would have value only till it gets an upgraded version, whereas when emotions are sewed into the same human, a secure invisible thread would bind them to every person with whom they form a connection.

The Author

Shreya Talwar is an author who has two books to her credit – ‘The Hidden Gems’ and ‘Weaving Emotions.’ She strongly believes that creative writing has the power to weave a sense of positivity and inspiration in people’s lives. This always remains the ethos of her writing. Every flight of imagination has an inspiration and Shreya’s inspiration is her mother who is not only her mentor, but also her strength. Her Army background acted as an added feather to display an array of her writing skills and deep insight into humanity. 
Her articles have been featured at prestigious platforms including ‘The Week’ and ‘Mid-Day.’ 

Her writing style has also been spoken about and appreciated at various prestigious platforms including the ANI and Zee5 news. 

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