“The Story That Made Me” by Sounak Chatterjee – The Literature Times Magazine Review

“The Story That Made Me” by Sounak Chatterjee – The Literature Times Magazine Review

Documenting life on the pages of a book can be quite a challenge, but when the authors put their heart into it, they reach the readers’ hearts in no time. “The Story That Made Me” by Sounak Chatterjee is one such book where the author writes from his heart and reaches the readers’ hearts in no time. Keeping a plot based on actual incidents, he creates a world that is free of the artificialities of the present-day world and makes the readers nostalgic in no time. The presence of such pure and raw emotions and their faithful portrayal helps the readers connect with the book instantly.

Chatterjee, in his work, bears the reflections and impressions of the early days of the protagonist Varud and the events that happen in his life, which make him into the person he became at present. Following this, he builds the story and characters portrayed more or less through his eyes, giving the readers the seat of the observer who can see the channel the protagonist’s life takes. In the light of this, the narrative is set mainly in the streets and homes of Kolkata, where the characters meet and interact and have a time they would remember for the rest of their lives. The readers also get to see the reflections of the culture of the place, and native readers would be able to relate to it in no time.

Overall, “The Story That Made Me” is a heartfelt account by the author where he captures the little moments of life and keeps the readers engaged with his storytelling technique. In the midst of this, he paints the impressions of emotions, friendship, family ties, the different states of mind from a young boy to a teenager and henceforth an adult, and life being shaped subsequently. The readers enjoy the childhood incidents Varud shares here and there, and at times, he also shares important life lessons which the readers observe and understand in no time. In this manner, the book also appears to be a mature account by a person who has lived and learned the lessons as he grew up.

“The Story That Made Me” would be easily relatable for many due to the presence of young characters and the incidents that occur in their lives. Grown-up or younger readers all would find these incidents amusing and invoking nostalgia at the same time. Altogether, it can be said that this book can be read by all readers both due to the nature of the content and the length, which has been kept keeping everyone’s comfort in mind. The author keeps the language easy for the readers to understand, and by giving the narrative control to Varud, he lets the story unfold on its own, which makes it both interesting and exciting for the readers. All readers should try reading Chatterjee’s work, where he pours his heart, describes the story that went into the making of the protagonist, and also hopes to connect with the readers.

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