Top Selling Book Genres – All Time Bestselling Genres – The Literature Times

Top Selling Book Genres – All Time Bestselling Genres – The Literature Times

If you are searching for top selling book genres of all time, there are lot more to know and figure out. First of all, Publishing Your Book in order to become a Published Author is itself not an easy job and then generating profit from that book of yours can be an even more strenuous target. Moreover, there are so many genres and such a little time to write and that too when you sit down to write, a few things may come to mind like – “What do I shall write about? Do I want to write fiction or nonfiction? Fantasy or Mystery? Romance or Horror? Will people enjoy my book?”

Then after, even when you know what topic or genre you want to focus on and make up your mind, still various questions can pile up like – “Will people like my story? Will it sell? How do I know if people will be interested in my book? How much money does this genre usually make? How many books of this genre are actually popular?”

Therefore, while deciding the course of your writing and book editing process, you need to be extra careful and make some wise decisions! The good thing is that most of the upcoming writers tends carry out their own research and studies upon the amazon top selling book genres, before starting to work on their own books. It is now common trend among the Budding Authors that, they pursue their Writing Carrier by working on the genre, which is most loved by the readers and book lovers!

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As anyone would like his or her work to reach among the bigger mass and receive a greater level of appreciation. Therefore, if we look at this approach carried by the budding authors then it would not be wrong to say that it is indeed a smart approach with a tendency of generating a greater success probability.

Top Selling Book Genres – Most Popular Genres of All Time

So, let us have a look over these ‘Top Selling Book Genres’ as in this write-up 8 Most Popular Genres are highlighted and they are as follows –


Romance novels are perhaps the all-time most popular genre in terms of book sales. Romance novels are sold in grocery store checkout lines, in monthly shipments from traditional publishers to readers, and online, as well as via self publishing services. Readers tend to be loyal to their favourite authors within the romance genre. Popular romance subgenres include paranormal romance and historical romance.

Amazon Bestsellers in ROMANCE


Many popular mystery books draw a large readership, especially if they are part of a larger series. Mystery novels start with an exciting hook, keep readers interested with suspenseful pacing, and end with a satisfying conclusion that answers all of the reader’s outstanding questions. Popular mystery subgenres include cozy mysteries, true crime novels, whodunits, scientific mysteries, hardboiled detective stories, and police procedurals.

Amazon Bestsellers in MYSTERY


Fantasy books often take place in a time-period different from our own. They often feature magical creatures, from worldly wizards to murderous zombies. Many sci-fi stories take place in a dystopian past or future. Science fiction books can have a historical setting, but most are set in the future and deal with the ramifications of technological and scientific advancement. Fantasy subgenres include urban fantasy, steampunk, high fantasy, epic fantasy, dark fantasy, and sword and sorcery. Meanwhile, certain fiction genres like magical realism blend the pulpy appeal of fantasy with the challenging techniques found in literary fiction. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude is a good example of this crossover.

Amazon Bestsellers in FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION


Closely related to mysteries and sometimes fantasy, thrillers and horror ratchet up the suspense and shock of popular genre fiction. Authors like David Baldacci and Dan Brown dominate the bestseller list with their thriller titles, while Stephen King reigns as the master of contemporary horror.

Amazon Bestsellers in THRILLERS & HORROR


Young adult fiction recasts popular adult genres into books geared toward a teenage audience. From sci-fi to romance to crime books to fantasy, the best books in the YA fiction genre include the same strong characters and propulsive storylines that you will find in books for older readers. Often teenage themes, like coming of age or rebellion, are layered on top of existing literary tropes. J.K. Rowling has had enormous success in the YA genre with her Harry Potter series. So has Suzanne Collins with The Hunger Games. R.L. Stine brings horror fiction to child and teenage audiences with his Goosebumps and Fear Street series.

Amazon Bestsellers in YOUNG ADULT


Children’s fiction is aimed at audiences too young for the young adult genre. Children’s fiction starts with picture books for non-readers and pushes onward into short stories for early readers and middle-grade fiction. Note that a picture book is not the same as a comic book or graphic novel, both of which are intended for older audiences. The fairy tale subgenre is also part of children’s fiction.

Amazon Bestsellers in CHILDREN’S FICTION


These nonfiction book genres reach massive audiences worldwide. Many self-help books concern business success and wealth acquisition. Most titles in the religious category are self-help books that incorporate religious doctrine. They offer suggestions for tackling real-life problems, often from a spiritual perspective.

Amazon Bestsellers in INSPIRATIONAL & SELF HELP


These nonfiction books tell the stories of a person’s life. In the case of autobiography and memoir, the subject is the author of the book. Biographies are written by someone other than the subject themselves. These books are comprised of factual information that is traditionally buttressed by multiple sources. This makes biographies different from historical fiction, which is set during well-researched historical time periods but contains original plotlines that aren’t based on real life.

Amazon Bestsellers in BIOGRAPHY & MEMOIR

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