An Interview with the Author of the book- “When It Feels Right – A Journey To Finding Self” by Nivedita Dang

An Interview with the Author of the book- “When It Feels Right – A Journey To Finding Self” by Nivedita Dang

Author’s Background: Author, Nivedita Dang is from Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand in India. She loves listening to music, especially the calm and happy music. She had completed her Masters in ‘Zoology’ from Ranchi University, Ranchi and also she had completed Masters in ‘Journalism & Mass Communication’ from Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar. She is UGC NET qualified and intends to pursue PhD in future.


Neel Preet: Firstly, Congratulations on your book, “When It Feels Right – A Journey To Finding Self” Well, can you please share your experience about making your work come into the form of book!

Nivedita Dang: Hello, thankyou so much! My experience has been great with this book. While I was revisiting my memories and opened old diaries, I realised how far I have come. If you ask me, the things which I used to fear two years two years ago, I fear no more. This book actually made me learn more about myself.

Neel Preet: I’ve read your book and I genuinely feel that it is a “Saviour” for the ones who are seeking inner peace so what inspired you to write this book? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?

Nivedita Dang: It is so kind of you to say this. But yes, this book is a guide for others which I have tried to present in the form of my personal experiences. As rightly said by Toni Morrison ‘write the book you want to read’. So, I wrote one. I genuinely want today’s youth to self-reflect and analyse their potential and strengths.

Neel Preet: Your book title, ‘When It Feels Right – A Journey To Finding Self’ definitely goes with the book’s content and is very catchy too! So, can you please explain the reason for going with this book title to the readers?

Nivedita Dang: Everyone on this Earth is in search or something. Be it peace, honour, name, fame or money. There is a point where they come to an end of their search, or at least they come to a certain conclusion of their expedition. Because, here I share my journey finding that solace. I thought ‘when it feels right’ would be apt as a title.

Neel Preet: In the present era, we do not see many writers choosing to write on the Self Help genre, while you did so! Therefore, while writing this book what was your mind-set? Is it based on any particular experience of yours?

Nivedita Dang: I have this desire of helping people in any way I can to overcome their struggles. I know many people struggling with suicidal thoughts, many who think themselves as valueless, some who think they are good for nothing and can’t achieve anything. I used to be one of them. Overcoming these negativities gave me power to impact others for good. If I can inspire people just with my life story, why not?

Neel Preet: Studying the subject matter of this book, I am greatly impressed and I want you to explain us, in your version that, how this book is relevant in the present day scenario!

Nivedita Dang: This book is of paramount relevance in present scenario. This book can help a lot of people who go through bullying, are struggling through relationship issues, lack of self-confidence, lack of self-value or self-worth. I believe, it can inspire people from different age groups who are in hunt of something meaningful.

Neel Preet: You were very straightforward with your writings in your book, which I really appreciate. So next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you!

Nivedita Dang: This is a good question. I am highly inspired by the writings of Joyce Meyer, Stella Dhinakarn, Rick warren, Joel Osteen. They have, in their writings, shared about their real-life struggles, which personally influenced and motivated me a lot.

Neel Preet: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

Nivedita Dang: Be expectant of yourself, always! You are a masterpiece created by almighty, and anything you do is unique. Never compare or underestimate yourself. Just like your fingerprints are different, so is your destiny. Following someone else’s path may cripple you to your fullest potential but exploring and trying new ventures can catapult you to new endeavours. So never hesitate to take risks. Explore yourself!

Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Nivedita Dang: Yes, I just released two more books named, What God taught me in 2021 and Essence of Life. I am also working in some anthologies currently and working on my fifth book side by side. So, my readers will have a lot in their plate till the end of 2022 from me.

Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

Nivedita Dang: Thank you so much for having me. Had a great time discussing the book and answering all the questions.

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