The writer Sutikshan is practical in his life and has chosen his own path to success. His understanding of life and its challenges becomes very clear when reading the book. he wants people to be individuals, not mobs.
The Literature Times: Author, welcome to The Literature Times. Congratulations on the publication of your book! What feedback do you get from your readers? Please share your thoughts on this book.
Author: Astonishing! Everyone loves to read a novel full of challenges and a way out in today’s world full of competition.
As a writer my view about this writing is more about simplicity in question.India being a very simple nation and especially the girls even more simpler since historical times.
The system of administration we following is much advance and needs a Indian style of understanding.
Without a thorough understanding and integrity it’s difficult to give result in these modern administrative system.
The Literature Times: What motivates you to become a writer?
Author: Well, exactly motivation would not be a right word infact when I write it’s more from heart rather being motivated to write.Here I have given time to writing amidst my daily ongoing routine just to highlight that we as individuals are strong but when it comes to overall then there is problems countering the efficiency.Here the character reflects risk undertaken by a strong Indian girl just to prove that she doesn’t bother about any hardship and can fight any situation that emerge.
The Literature Times: What are your favorite writing topics? Please tell us a little bit about your literary interests.
Author: Well, I can cover any subject, whether it is social reform, character building, humour, or business.
Everyone loves to read a novel that is full of challenges and offers an escape in today’s competitive world.
As a writer, I think more of simplicity in this book, because India is a very simple country, and especially the girls are even simpler since historical times.
The administrative system we follow is very advanced and needs an Indian-style understanding.
Without a thorough understanding and integrity, it is difficult to achieve results in this modern administrative system.
It is said that one individual is too few in such a vast nation, but through my writing I prove that even a single Indian can fight a decisive battle if he knows his right way.
The Literature Times: We were hoping you might tell us about some of the authors who have influenced you and whom you read!
Author: Not to fall short in selecting my favourite authors, I would say that I have enjoyed reading Smt Indra Gandhi, Mr. Obama, President Abdul Kalam.Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru are just a few of them.
The Literature Times: The title is unique and appealing; how did you come up with it? Please tell us the story behind it.
Author: Since I have divided my novel into several parts, it came to my attention as I went through the novel.
This is about a girl who successfully gets a grip on the system with her determination, and one night when I was writing some chapters, it occurred to me to deal with a major international problem, the land issue, which is becoming more and more concrete and expensive, so I thought I could deal with it in my style.
The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Author: Well, I would say that I have covered poems and some weird stories in my literature work before, and also those that depict/reflect on nationality and our Indian culture in particular.Since our childhood, we have sung patriotic songs in every school function or central public places, and I thought it should reflect in our administrative work as well.
The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?
Author: Everything depends on the time, and wherever I feel that it is necessary to write it, I will certainly continue my way of bringing relevant literature in front of interested readers.
The Literature Times: Do you have any other novels in the works? Please keep us updated on your future endeavors.
Author: My earlier novels are part of Mysterious Girl.The first edition was more for students as it was more about preparation for IAS and IPS.
In the sequel, the second part was about Soul Justice, again part of Mysterious Girl.
The third part was Honeymoon, which showed some interesting facts about the couple on their honeymoon.
The fourth part is The Golden Cage.
If time permits, I may write more about this mysterious girl in Part 5, although much has already been satisfactorily covered.
The Literature Times: How do you view Indian writing in the twenty-first century? What changes do you see in today’s writing style? Do you feel it has changed over time?
Author: First of all, I would like to state with pride that India has always been the land of literature.
We have a wealth of material on various subjects.
The past shows that Indian writers are emotional and deal with issues more related to reform or compassion in society.
We as a nation have survived only because we have sympathised with the needs of others, and a simple lifestyle has helped us connect better.
Halfway through, we have seen changes in Indian writers dealing with issues that have more to do with fun or commercial orientation.
I stick to the basics and look forward to social reforms and hold on to our basic identity as Indians, which are tough and unbreakable
The Literature Times: How simple/difficult was it for you to publish your book? What message do you want to send to aspiring authors?
Author: Financialy yes since paper is costing more and yes all aspiring authors should start early into writing their ability to add their contribution.