Book Review of the Book- “The Morphine” By the author Naheed Akhtar- The Literature Times Vol.1 Issue 4

Book Review of the Book- “The Morphine” By the author Naheed Akhtar- The Literature Times Vol.1 Issue 4

About the Author-

Naheed Akhtar is a lecturer, writer and poet based in the city of Hyderabad, the Southern part of the country. She is a bibliophile and loves reading Philosophy, History, Psychology, Literature and the Glossary of Literature.  She is known for her love for nature with her fine imagination of being a wanderer, a lost who longs and lingers for the unseen and remote for her own reasons. She has three poetry collections to her credit, entitled ‘Phantasms of My Heart’ ‘The Earth’s Love’ and ‘The Morphine’. She achieved the awards for the conductive years 2020 and 2021, an combined initiative of the State Government of Gujarat and Motivational Strips, on the eve of India’s 74th and 75th Independence Day respectively entitled “Gujrat Sahitya Academy Award”.

Book Review-

Poetry is the powerful depiction of the emotion that touches the heart and soothes the soul of a reader. The strength comes from the infusion of emotion into words which gives weight to the otherwise ordinary words and makes poetry reading more of an exercise of recitation and remembering thus. The same powerful effect through depiction is observed in Naheed Akhtar’s poetry collection “The Morphine.” Through the collection, the poet experiments with different styles of writing that express the different moods in which she wrote poetry and the different mindsets an artist has while writing verse. In her collection of more than 50 poems, the author takes the readers to different corners of her imagination with poems that connect them to the tangible and intangible aspects of this world. At the same time, it also takes the readers on a whirlwind of thoughts, as well as emotions that find their meaning through the words that express multiple meanings at the same time.

As a title, “The Morphine” suggests different meanings to the readers. On the surface level, as most readers would know, it may be suggested in medical terms as something that would relieve the pain. Akhtar’s collection goes beyond the mere morphine effect and gives the readers an ecstatic experience that lights up their day much later after they have finished the collection. Simultaneously, the poems also touch on a variety of subjects that are inspired by this life and the imagination. These subjects keep the readers successfully connected to the present while taking them on rounds of imagination side-by-side. The title poem, “The Morphine” casts the magical effect from the beginning by showing how love as an emotion can have the same effect that actual morphine has. In addition, it is a soothing balm, a relaxation herb, and a force that gives unimaginable strength to a person.

The poems that follow have a ripple effect of morphine and reiterate the power of articulation at an emotional level from different perspectives. Poems like “Silver Screens,” “Beyond Words,” “The Heart’s Core,” “The Heart’s Conquest,” “The Feeble Heart of Mine,” “The Portrait,” “Inevitable You” and “Imperfect to be Perfect” carry the same resonating effect. Through these poems, the poet touches on various dimensions that reach the hearts and minds of the readers through different poems and the words that are used to express the feelings. The correct usage of words strikes a chord with the hearts of the readers, and they develop a connection that lasts long after they have completed the collection. It also makes sure that they recommend the collection to their friends and family members as a refreshing reading.

“The Morphine” by Naheed Akhtar can be kept at the bedside and read at different times when the readers want to go on a refreshing spin that changes how they see life and fill their hearts with hope. Like her other two books, “Phantasms of the Heart” and “The Earth’s Love,” the collection shows how the emotion of love can shape, make or break someone’s day or life. The significance understanding the depth of this emotion is vital not only to ensure the balanced growth of a person but also to ensure that they have a stable mindset throughout their life’s journey. This poetry collection is suggested to all readers who are interested in exploring the potency of the emotion of life and how it influences the lives of individuals. At the same time, it is also suggested to readers who are interested in reading refreshing poetry that would change their mood and make their day.

Another factor that would make “The Morphine” a suggested reading is the language and vocabulary that Naheed Akhtar uses. The poet keeps the language clear and simple and focuses on highlighting and emphasizing the morphine effect and how its presence has always been in the lives of the readers, whether it is recognized or unrecognized. The simplicity of the language makes her connect with the readers in an effortless way, and they remember lines like

“My heart became a better place,

since you have visited it”


“I got myself in you

However, failing to understand

Whether I am found or lost.”

And many other such powerful lines.

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