Poetries by the Author Yash Chaudhary- The Literature Times Vol.1 Issue 4

Poetries by the Author Yash Chaudhary- The Literature Times Vol.1 Issue 4

About the Author-

Yash Chaudhary is an aspiring poet who’s treated his readers with poems having a variety of genres. Poetry is not only an art but also a therapy. Each one of us is caught up in a journey that’s welcoming, but competitive at the same time. Full of happiness and cheer, evenly balanced by sadness and gloom each and every time. Tainted with dull moments, making it all the more difficult for us to shine. Yash tries to motivate them when they’re dealing with such hard times. Writers try their best whilst sharing their experiences. It may be through articles, blogs, or podcasts. Yash tries to do the same by using the medium of poems, that has helped him in winning the gold medal in Indian Film House’s hunt for India’s Youngest Poet 2021. A civil engineer by profession, he started writing poems when he was in the third year of engineering. With more than 350 poems to his name, he also has an Instagram page called yash_thepoet where he’s been sharing his poems ever since.

Poetry 1- Envy

‘I wish I had the life that others are living at the moment’, says the subconscious mind

A state of the subconscious mind that’s never satisfied with what it has in its share

Envy is something that’s profound; common with every person that you can find

It is an unnecessary accessory that the mind is forced to wear

It’s a human tendency that professes the mind to be better then the rest

A tendency that gives the birth to a jealous mind instead

It’s an unnecessary distraction that deviates us from the purpose of our quest

Forcing us to compromise on the time that we had invested

It’s difficult to be unaffected by a state of mind that’s constantly faced by competition

The mind doesn’t have the option to ignore it, but it can habituate itself to this challenge

Don’t worry, ‘cause the mind is bombarded by such situations in repetition

The key is to nullify the compromise that you make with all those situations doing the job to avenge

I know that there’s little you can do to deal with the jealous mind

Maybe it’s this little effort that can restructure your approach as you get back to the grind.

Poetry-2- Humility

We all are trapped under the stampede of a competitive world

Every success whilst getting through it adds on to your share of confidence

The confidence that shows up as a wildcard as long as your pride is concerned

The confidence that tries to negate every episode of diffidence

Every other person experiences a challenge struck by pride

It makes you so blind, that you can’t see the reality that speaks a different tale altogether

Lack of self-confidence then becomes a factor that places the humble individuals aside

The competitive world does the job of demotivating them further

The balance between humility and pride is essential

Since life serves us with variable instances that compel is to act in a specific manner

The competitive world may force us to embrace a character that’s reverential

But, the day when you’ll learn the art of assuming different characters smartly, you’ll have your answer

Humility is indeed one of those gems that decorates one’s character

The balance of the same proves to be the distinguishing factor.

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