Featuring the Author: Yatin Samant

Featuring the Author: Yatin Samant

Yatin brings with him proven track record of business results of more than 34 years of Corporate working experience in Sales, Marketing, Business development and General management, across a diverse set of industries in India and Asia Pacific, during different business phases of Start up, Growth & Turnaround.
Yatin has experience of heading Organisations/ P&L positions for over 20 years. Exposure to diversity of geography & culture gives him a sharper understanding of Issues and human behaviour.

Adding value to people – making meaningful difference , has been a passion with Yatin. Yatin has a refined understanding of -competencies required for enhanced performance which enables him to ask the right questions and deploy the best mechanisms for development initiatives.

The Literature Times: Author, welcome to The Literature Times. Congratulations on the publication of your book! What feedback do you get from your readers? Please share your thoughts on this book.


  • Many ( readers ) are intrigued by the array of topics – something different from the ordinary – and feel curious enough to buy a copy & read
  • Essence of the book is as below
  • Most of us remain underleveraged, by not using our full potential.
  • What stops us is not talent but perspective deficit — shortfall on how we Think
  • Source of  Power is in our Mind. How we think decides what we do & achieve.
    • For transformational output, we need to first transform our mind – the way we think
  • Each of 54 articles presents fresh Perspectives, new Realisations to makes a reader think differently
    • Book empowers by invoking (i) Higher clarity (ii) Deeper insights & (iii) Alternative perspectives 
  • The book has an universal application across age, industry etc. However the group which can be the biggest beneficiary from the learnings in the book – is Youth ; because they have the longest run with life to apply these lernings

The Literature Times: What are your favourite writing topics? Please tell us a little bit about your literary interests.


  • The motivation is not for becoming an author – my drive is Value Creation … Everything I do ; whether Coaching, Strategic Consulting, Workshops, Articles/ writing etc is driven b y creating a positive transformation in the audience.
  • Writing is just one format, a way of expression for Value Creation !

The Literature Times: We were hoping you might tell us about some of the authors that have influenced you and who you read!


  • Honestly, while I admire many for their contribution in different fields – I do not have anmy role model in life. Also my destination is Value Creation – not necessarily being an Author
  • I reading preference is non fiction – History, Heritage, Auto biography, Self development and anything that interests me.
  • I admire those authors who are true to their convictions, who write in the flow – upfront in their views, without any agenda
  • Some of the authors I have read are P.L. Dewshpande, Jaywant Dalvi, S. N Navre, C,V, Joshi etc in Marathi & in English : Steven Covey, Ram Charan, Vikram Sampat, Devdutt Pattanaik, J Sai Deepak, Ram Swarup, Sitaram Goel, Koenard Elst, Francois Gautier, David Frawley etc

The Literature Times: The title is unique and appealing; how did you come up with them? Please tell us the story behind it.


  • There are two learning Pathways : (i) Outside -In pathway & (ii) Inside -Out pathway. Outside In pathway is the conventional pathway, which starts from childhood where learn from external inputs. It is a “feeding “ Channel, with little value in adulthood
  • Inside-Out pathway is an adult pathway, is about learniung from self with mechanisms like Reflection, Introspection, Self dialogue, Meditation etc. It is a “ Digesting “ Channel. Diffwerence between the 2 pathways is that while the former is like a Diet treatment, latter ( Inside-Out ) is working on Metabolism
  • Essence is that, what we do is a function of how we think. Hence for better/ enhanced results, we need to examine & reorient our thinking. Power is in our mind, not in the circumstances –we need to Invoke it !
  • All my work is based on this premise. It is about making people think – differently, to develop different Perspectives, create new Realisations, thereby helping people take charge of their destiny. That is the source for the Title

The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.


  • I have been writing since my school days – first in Marathi ( my mother toung ) & then in English. I started with Poetry, moved on to prose
  • So far I have my 3 ( Marathi ) books published – 2 Poetry books & one prose – light humour
  • All/ most of my writing in English is on the basis/ platform explained above. It is always thought provoking !
  • This book – “ Invoke Inner Wisdom : Empower Self “ is first of the series of 3. Next two books are respectively based on my (i) Blogs & (ii) 1 liner wisdom ( pocket book )
  • Post these, I will complete & publish my next book of poetry in Marathi ( pocketbook )

The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?


  • I have elaborated above, on my writing path.
  • My writing philosophy, infact philosophy for Life is : To be authentic – true to one’s convictions & ber upfront. It is always better to be authentic than perfect, sincere than being ‘correct’. I believe, when you are genuine in expressing yourself – not only that it ‘reaches’ people, but you also feel fulfilled.

The Literature Times: Do you have any other novels in the works? Please keep us updated on your future endeavours.


  • Elaborated above

The Literature Times: How do you view Indian writing in the twenty-first century? What changes do you see in today’s writing style? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?


  • I would not have much to comment, since I have not really invested my mind in analysing this

The Literature Times: How simple/difficult was it for you to publish your book? What message do you want to send to aspiring authors?


  • Bringing out a new book – in  fact any new creation, is conceptually equivalent to giving birth to a child
  • After germinating ‘seed’ of a thought in his/ her mind- an author undergoes ‘development’ of that thought mush like a baby’s growth in a mother’s womb. He/she then bears the baby inside for some time till it is ready to come out — undergoes Delivery pangs & anxiety ; and also feels ‘relieved’ & fulfilled after ‘giving birth’. Like a mother, each author wants the child to do well & succeed & has a lot of attachment to it
  • Bringing out a book has a lot of challenges, each time it happens – right from selection of a publisher to the editing/ formatting/ corerctions/ design, eventually publishing & then promoting. It takes a lot of commitment, dedication & uncontaminated involvement.
  • Excellence happens only when one is fully involved in a concept of non-duality ( अद्वैत – one with the cause ) like in a case of a Mother with her child !

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