The lockdown of 2020 has inspired a new stream of literature which has nor only inspired non-fictional forms of writing but also writing in the fiction format. “Lockdown: Life comes full circle,” written by Rajat Sharma, is written with an impressive writing style and a gripping pace that captures the essence of the time and makes it relatable to the following scenario. The cover of the book is designed well. As the book is written in a lucid manner, the book can be easily understood by anyone. Throughout the story, where there are a bunch of characters who make their appearances from time to time, the evolution of a personality is highlighted and depicted chronologically by Sharma.
The story starts with Rahul receiving an abrupt incoming call from Anisha. Anisha informs Rahul that Aarav has banged the car when he was driving early in the morning. Anisha could not talk much as her husband, Kelly, was around. Aarav was only fifteen years old, so he was not allowed to drive. This was a stressful situation for Rahul. With the hope in mind that he will receive help, Aarav calls their family driver, whose name is Dheer Singh. Anisha asked Aarav a variety of questions despite knowing that he was not injured, and Aarav apologised for his inappropriate behaviour. Further in the story, after completing his schooling, Rahul impressed Mr. Sukumar in the first interview and grabbed the offer to work for his company. Very soon, he managed to handle foreign delegates as well for the company. But life had different plans ready for Rahul.
The title of the book, “Lockdown: Life comes full circle,” is absolutely appropriate as the author has wonderfully written the life journey of the protagonist. Rahul meets a girl named Priyanka after facing all the issues of his life. Both of them enjoy the company of each other. Unfortunately, one day Priyanka complained about him in the company, and this came as a surprise for Rahul. Through such instances, the author shows how even one person is enough to make a difference or bring a change in a person’s life, which can be in a positive or a negative way. It also enforces the fact that every person that comes into our life has a purpose, and once that is fulfilled, they are likely to go their path after that.
The characters of Rahul, Priyanka, Anisha, Yelena, and others, the author talks about people coming from different corners of life and tries to understand how they have been influencing the fate of one central character of Rahul. Although Rahul is at the receiving end of the actions of most of the characters, he still has his own choices, which ultimately decide his fate.
The story of “Lockdown: Life comes full circle” has many twists, which could make it a little challenging to be read, so one must read the book taking a lot of time. The author has written so many aspects of life impeccably through just one story, and this, too, with having just one protagonist at the centre of the story. Through one character, the author explores multiple facets of life through the chronological depiction that shows changing situations and a combination of the happy and sad sides of life. This also makes the book realistic as it does not sugar-coat the negativities of life and dares to present the harsh realities the way they are.
The one who likes to read stories that are contemporary and inspirational shall read the book without any second thought. The story has mature content and hence is a good read for people who are above 18 years. Rahul gets to know many different girls. He got intimate as well with a few of the girls. Apart from that, he went into negative phases as well, where he was not shining and was absolutely doing wrong things. But he overcame every bad phase with the hope of light which is why the book is positive, as it promotes being hopeful even in dark times. This expands the appeal of the book on a universal level.
“Lockdown: Life comes full circle” shows how one event can spin the trajectory of life in a different direction and how this one event can trigger a whole new chain of events in an effortless manner. On the one hand, this makes the book interesting, while on the other, it can also teach them different aspects of life and how it evolves under changed circumstances. This book will be enjoyed by all readers who have an interest in reading reality based works woven in the format of fiction and still bearing strong impressions of the same.