The covid-19 pandemic has changed the whole course of the world completely. Social distancing, lockdowns, restrictions, everything has declined human contact in a large number. People have now started giving more preference to online meets, spending time in self-growth, and learning new skills instead of meet-ups. The lockdown saw a rise in the number of writers and authors in a large number. People started writing their thoughts, their long-awaited stories, their personal experiences, and educational content. Many people discovered their love for writing and chose to improve and continue in the same field.

Writing is not an easy task. From framing the stories to editing them and setting the whole structure, it needs great knowledge, patience, and time. Minute mistakes in writing can lead to major issues in the story and the writing piece. Fortunately, there are now a plethora of courses available online to get into the field of writing and learn the important things. Here is the list of the platforms and the courses they provide for better writing :

Mithaas Services: The company has tons of options available for writing courses. It has content writing courses, novel writing courses, blogging courses, and lots more. They have live classes as well as recorded sessions, providing various options to the person.
Udemy: Udemy is one of the biggest online courses providers. It has different courses and educators in the fields of editing, proofreading, novel writing, content writing, copywriting, etc. The courses are prerecorded and are self-paced. The person can choose from several educators available for each field.
Henry Harvin: Henry Harvin is one of the most recognized online platforms for writing courses. The certificates are globally recognized They have content writing and creative writing courses available. The class options are available in live and pre-recorded sessions.

Here’s the list of writing courses platforms. You can check them out on the web at their respective websites. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite course and become a better writer and publish your work soon!

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