Rise To Lead You | Venkatesh S | The Literature Times

Rise To Lead You | Venkatesh S | The Literature Times

Everyone aspires to have an extraordinary life in their ordinary circumstances. The difference-making factors in any person’s life are the few characteristics that make them work a little extra on themselves compared to their counterparts. “Rise to Lead You: Self-Leadership section of Leading Self and Others” by Venkatesh S is a book that will pull a person out of their ordinary circumstances and prepare them and give a direction in taking the steps that would make them extraordinary.

The trait theories of leadership declare that leaders are not born but made. Venkatesh S’s work is a step in the direction of how they are made. The readers would find a combination of the author’s experience with practicality and examples that are realistic, he makes sense to the readers from the first page. At the same time, he makes the readers ponder over the deeds they have done in their times, making the work relatable for many. Simultaneously, he uses the technique of giving short pointers, which are more like long-term guiding lines for the readers, and they can get back to them whenever they feel the need to ignite the leader in them. The author doesn’t talk about a person being a leader of others but a leader of himself too. This makes “Rise to Lead You” one of its kind. After his debut work, “Just Reminding You: To Do What You Have Forgotten,” this book is an extension of the author’s wisdom and readers who have read the first work would find “Rise to Lead You” of equal interest.

The author keeps his book focused, and without any digressions, he presents his ideas in an objective manner, which is coupled with a language that is easy to understand for all kinds of readers. The readers can keep this book on their bedside and get back to it time and again whenever they feel the need to keep learning and to get better and to be able to achieve their dream results in one lifetime. This book is recommended for all those who want to learn to make the better out of the ordinary situations, to bring out their hidden qualities and explore their potential of being exceptional, making them stand out of the crowd, leading to outstanding results on not just the professional front but also their personal lives.

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