“Rise To Skies Through My Eyes” By Mohammed Abdul Naafay -Book Review

“Rise To Skies Through My Eyes” By Mohammed Abdul Naafay -Book Review

Sometimes a cup of Cappuccino feels good with a bunch of incredible Poetries. Topics either controversial, loving or gratitudinal, always sparks creative thinking in both the poet as well as the readers. It is as related as a therapeutic activity for both. The concept of reading such diversified Poetries helps in expanding world views and for sure improves the verbal dexterity.

Similarly, Mr. Mohammed Abdul Naafay’s book “Rise to skies through my eyes” is a collection of short Poetries putting light on every aspect of life stages and scenarios. The author firmly believes that the book will definitely leave a different perception and views within every mind-set.

The title “Rise to skies through my eyes” has deep and hidden meaning as put forward by the author that the poetries will take everyone through a ride to the touch of the sky through the perception and views input by the author in the words flowing through the poetries in his debut book.

This book is a collection of Poetries consisting of not more than fifty lines on an average. Topics like beauty, money, love, pledge, soldier, death are incredibly framed and written. The choice of keeping the first poem on parents is a very wise decision made by the author conveying a deep message of how one’s parent is the backbone supporting in every phase and not demanding for an applause or rewards. The gratitude shown in the very first poem of this book shows definitely that the poet is nothing without the support of his parents.

Another outstanding poetry framed by the author in a rhyming format which is very relatable to every poet’s life is the “poetic madness” where he describes the life of a poet of how he had been crazy in writing Poetries in his teenage days where there was no pandemic or willingness to get vaccinated but breathe the fresh air and follow up the daily routine and daily rush.

A beautiful message from a poem itself, the author conveyed to the reader’s is “IT’S OKAY TO SETTLE FOR LESS,EVEN THE RICHEST GETS BURIED UNDRESS.” The book shows that it’s not written for the sake of one’s thoughts but to drive other’s mind into the depths of the ocean of those precise thoughts.

Not only these but also there is a factor of catching every particular one’s attention from the beginning to the end irrespective of the reader’s gender, caste, or age group.

The amount of motivation depicts a masterpiece of his literary works where the author adds to his Poetries, about the covid situation and coping techniques by sarcastically pointing out the truths to the people who cares and gets panicked and also to the people who cares less and adds up in the death list due to the negligence in their behavior and attitude.

Therefore, the following poetries leave a positive mark on the reader’s due to the “theist” thoughts in a poet like Mr. Mohammed Abdul Naafay. Instead of reading a book like a parrot and gaining no knowledge and positivity, reader’s must purchase this book and give it a read to add up some good views and positivity to their intellect.

Reviewed By Saudia Parveen

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