Ms. Deepa G Kulkarni embarks on her journey as author, with her first ever book… The Soulful Paradigmer. Born and brought up in Dombivli, Mumbai, India, Deepa has always been fascinated by the power of words. She was particularly captivated by the line “Aspire To Inspire Before You Expire”. And this book, is the first step, she has taken in that direction. With an extensive professional background in Banking & Finance, and Information Technology (SAP – FICO), Deepa attempts to extend a helping hand to a community she calls “Paradigmers” – People who want to make a lateral shift in their careers, but are less informed about the pathway, or, are indecisive about it. She currently resides in Dombivli, Mumbai, India, and is passionate about music – particularly light vocals and semi classical. She is a trained Carnatic instrumentalist (Veena) and is currently pursuing Hindustani vocal and percussion (tabla). She also loves rangoli art and cooking. Deepa’s debut work, “The Soulful Paradigmer”, reflects her emphasis on empathy and elevated consciousness. Phrases like “Consciousness Over Career”, “Person before Persona”, “Leader Or Boss” testify the same. As a new voice in the literary landscape, Deepa hopes to connect with readers, spark conversations, and continue sharing stories that resonate with her favourite line, “Aspire To Inspire Before You Expire”.
This book is for people who are looking to make a lateral, cross functional shift in their careers, but are either less informed on the pathway, or are less confident, or, are unable to decide if they should really move on, or stay put. This book is a P.R.A.N.K…. ON YOU, FOR YOU and BY YOU.
The Literature Times: Deepa, welcome to The Literature Times. Congratulations on the publication of your book! What feedback do you get from your readers? Please share your thoughts on this book.
Deepa: It’s been a month since the book is published. I’ve started getting messages and confirmations from people, that they have got their copy of the book and have begun reading. So, I’m eagerly awaiting the feedback from people. I’m happy to share my first PoC herewith:

The Literature Times: What motivates you to become a writer?
Deepa: Well. I was actually contemplating translating a book. This book, titled “GuNDa” is by the celebrated, and award winning Kannada author, M.K. Indira. The story is very sensitively written, and is of a real life person, whom the author closely knew. Not a single person who read the book completely, was without tears in the eyes. Such a heart wrenching story!! But the book is written in Kannada. That makes it limited to only the Kannada speaking community. And this book is my mother’s favourite. She always mentions the protagonist of this book, and encourages me to try to live with that kind of integrity. So, gradually, I too got interested in the book. And that’s when I felt, that this story should not remain limited to the Kannada speaking community, but must reach the world at large. So, I was actually thinking about translating this book. Writing my own book was never on my mind at any time.
The Literature Times: What are your favourite writing topics? Please tell us a little bit about your literary interests.
Deepa: I think I’ll be more prone to writing non-fiction / academic topics per se.
The Literature Times: We were hoping you might tell us about some of the authors that have influenced you and who you read!
- The very first book, which “I got for myself”, after I was able to independently think and understand things by myself – The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind, By Dr. Joseph Murphy
- Health In Your Hands – Dr. Devendra Vora
- Start With Why – Simon Sinek
- Swami Vivekananda’s Works
- The 10X Rule – Grant Cardone
- What Got You Here Cannot Get You There – Marshall Goldsmith.
- Last but not the least – Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita. I think there cannot be a better author than Shri. Krishna. I somehow have this strong feeling, that the holy Gita is not just Shri Krishna’s counselling to Arjuna, but the Lord has actually authored it for humankind.
The Literature Times: The title is unique and appealing; how did you come up with it? Please tell us the story behind it.
Deepa: The word “Paradigmer” comes from the question I was asked at almost every interview when I had changed my career from Banking to IT 13 years ago. “So Deepa… What made you make this paradigm shift in your career?” As for the subtitle, since the book is about enabling a lateral career shift decision, it is more self-explanatory, as, changing a job, essentially means moving out of the comfort zone. And when you move out of the comfort zone with compassion, courage, and love, the paradigm shift is bound to be “soulful”.
The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Deepa: This is my first ever book. So I’m eager to tread the new paths this journey would now take me to. I’m ready to explore the unknown!! I’m loving this new way of reaching out to the people at large.
The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing as a career? How do you see your future in writing?
- This being my first ever book, when I started writing, I really had no goal or anything as such. There was absolutely no clarity on the future of this journey I had undertaken. However, now, I have a mission… A mission to reach one million people with this book… A mission to have one million people to become compassionate, courageous and self-loving. This is the need of the hour.
- The future is bright for sure, as I feel, whatever I write, will be with utmost sincere intent, and with a view to bring about a constructive change – first within myself – and then, for all those who may collaborate / associate with me, vide my writing.
The Literature Times: Do you have any other novels in the works? Please keep us updated on your future endeavours.
Deepa: Yes. I do have a second book taking shape. However, it would be too early to spill the beans yet. 😉
The Literature Times: How do you view Indian writing in the twenty-first century? What changes do you see in today’s writing style? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?
- To be very honest, this being my very first book, I feel I’m not completely competent / qualified to be able to do justice to this question. I think I’m still building the perspectives – as an author, and as a reader. But within the limits of what I know and understand, I can definitely say that Indian writing – not only in the 21ST century – but always – has been positively influential, and greatly impactful. As for writing style, I think I’d say – it is lucid and powerful.
- And my answer to whether it changed by the time – Yes, and No.
- Yes, because, the topics / subjects of writing have changed contemporarily.
- No, because, even today, whenever you feel positively impacted by a book, the writing style does come across as impactful and powerful.
The Literature Times: How simple/difficult was it for you to publish your book? What message do you want to send to aspiring authors?
- The publishing process was fairly smooth for me, with excellent support lent by my publishers, Astitva PrakAshan. My special thanks to Shri Vikram Singh Thakur & Shri. Jay Prakash Kashyap.
- My message to aspiring authors – Aspire To Inspire Before You Expire!!!