10 Ridiculously Simple Steps for Writing a Novel

10 Ridiculously Simple Steps for Writing a Novel

Many individuals aspire to write a novel and become great authors, but the process of producing a novel can be difficult. Finishing a novel needs determination, and publishing it takes much more determination and ability. If you want to write a novel, learning what steps you should follow is a great place to start. We’ll go through what a book is and how to write one, as well as how to build characters and make revisions, in this post.

What is a novel?

A novel is a long-form fictional work written and published by a writer or writers. Novels may cover a wide range of subjects and be written for a wide range of readers. Romance, fantasy, historical fiction, and many more are the novel genres.

The first thing you should know about writing a novel is that there are no simple solutions. The second thing you should know is that there is no such thing as a magic formula. Every novel necessitates its own structure, pace, and perspective on the world.

Write a novel in 10 trouble-free steps:

  • Read books in your genre.

If you want your novel to be attractive to prospective readers, you need to first understand how to think like a reader. And the way to do that is to — let’s all says it together — READ!

  • Do a research.

You’re writing about a place you’ve never been to, you might need to do some research before starting to write. Reading autobiographies, watching period dramas, taking a research trip or interviewing a friendly police office could all help to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and themes of your novel.

  • Select a world in which you wish to spend a lot of time.

For the hours they spend reading your novel, your readers will be required to immerse themselves in a specific world. More importantly, it will necessitate you, the author, immersing yourself in this world for weeks, months, or even years. Choose a setting and a time period that piques your interest and keeps you entertained.

  • Know your characters.

Once you know what your plot will be, you can develop the main character or characters that will be featured in your novel. Primary the main character is referred to as the protagonist. Sometimes creating the characters take a long time but it helps you to describe them in Novel.

  • Keep the end in sight, but don’t fixate on it.

Writing a story isn’t about the beginning, or even the end. It’s the path that goes from A to Z. It could be Happy or the Sad ending but the ending can’t be all one thing. You can still have a bit of happiness in a tragedy or some pain in comedy. There are twists and turns along the way of novel writing.

  • Write regularly.

An important reason to write regularly is that the longer you wait between writing sessions, the easier it is to lose where you are in your writing. Also, scheduling regular writing times helps you make sure you finish your novel

  • Self-edit and rearrangement.

You may not be a professional editor but still you can review your novel, and you might identify a plot hole, a series of grammar or spelling mistakes or decide you need to add additional details. you may also find areas that you can improve by making larger changes. While these changes might require additional time writing, if you feel it makes your novel more complete and more in line with your vision

  • Take a breather and then return.

After you’ve finished the first draught, take a break from your novel. When you read it back, you’ll be able to approach it with fresh eyes. Pay attention to the following aspects of your book as you read through your first draught:

Storytelling clarity

Creating a character (particularly involving the main character)

Your world-building has enough depth (including back story and pertinent descriptions of setting and time period)

Action should be paced properly.

  • To the readers.

It’s hiding and seeks part. We have Readers who respond with criticism, as well as readers who request to read but never contact you again. At this point, take a break.  Pat yourselves on the back for a small reward, let   readers read the work, and give response on it.

  • Finally, but by no means least… Please don’t give up!

You may not be satisfied with your composition, but you enjoy writing, so keep going, as practice makes perfect. The more you write the more proficient you will become. Take command of your workplace.

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