How to stay productive, even if bored? 5 tips to help you-

How to stay productive, even if bored? 5 tips to help you-

woman in white dress shirt playing acoustic guitar
Picture source- Unsplash

Staying productive can require a lot of our energy, especially when we have the zero potential to move our bodies even a bit. There can be innumerable reasons for us to feel this heaviness. Even if we have lost someone recently, we need to know that there is life after hopelessness and we are the part of healing only if we allow ourselves to be. Here are five steps that can help you stay productive, even if you don’t feel like-

1.Organize your planner for the next month- Sit down with your planner or notebook and imagine completing all your pending thoughts, goals, etc which you thought of completing earlier but could not. Set realistic goals and plan out everything for the next month.

2.Create your happy list– What are the things that make you happy? Write it all in your journal. Mention how you would like to achieve it, or what is the best way you can substitute any activity with if you can’t fulfill it due to the pandemic. Creating a happy list always motivates us to be productive and to work for better things.

3.Check if your finances are in order- Calculate your expenses, investments over the current, past month. Think of the better ways in which you can manage it all effectively. Thinking of finances instantly motivates us to be productive not just for the money factor but for various other reasons.

4.Organize something in the home- Fed up of your workspace? Change the setting or maybe change the decor. We often feel demotivated if our current workspace does not appeal to us aesthetically in any way. Put flowers, greenery around, shift furniture maybe and you will see the change it will make on you.

5.Set a Timer- Do not overwhelm yourself by setting a goal of working for say one hour or so that is truly impossible if you have been procrastinating off late. Instead starts with smaller goals. Set a timer of 20 minutes to finish off a task and then immediately reward yourself for doing so.

Remember-“You procrastinate because you are scared”

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